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从今天开始零用金将由我负责。I will be in charge of the petty cash from now on.

我们公司的零用金好像总是空的。Our company's petty cash always seems to be empty.

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她多月来一直从零用现金中偷钱.She had been pilfering from the petty cash for months.

房租是五十五元,衣服和零用没有定数。The rent was fifty-five dollars, with clothes and extras a varying sum.

零用现金账目是用来记录小额的业务费用开支的。A petty account is used for recording small items of business expenditure.

只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established.

会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机.The accountancy allow us to buy paper by cash instead of buy a new typewriter.

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在支付完去研讨会的旅费后,我们还剩下多少零用金?How much petty cash do we have left after paying for the trip to the conference?

会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机。The accountant said that we could use petty cash to buy paper but not to buy a new printer.

对这些小笔现金支付的内部控制最好通过对零用现金的控制来实现。Internal control over these small cash payments can be best achieved through a petty cash fund.

我在这里,每月只挪两角钱的零用,我自己又那里要用什么,悉数补在孩子底身上了。They give me twenty cents a month as pocket money here, but I spend every cent of it on my baby.

公司的会计应该从公司的零用现金中准备出水、茶和咖啡的费用。The company accountant will probably allow the cost of water, tea and coffee out of the company's petty cash.

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备用金保管人到银行将这张补充支票兑成现金并存放到零用现金箱中。The custodian of the fund will cash the replenishment check at the bank and place the cash in the petty cash box.

会计说我们可以用零用现金去买纸,但是不能用它买一个新的打印机.The accountant said that we could use the petty cash to buy some paper, but we could not use it buy a new printer.

用支票支付所有的付款项目,只有从零用基金中支付的小笔款项例外。Make all payments by check. The only exception should be for small payments to be made in cash from a petty cash fund.

对零用现金要不时地进行突击性盘点,以防止对零用现金管理粗心,盗窃和滥用现象的发生。And occasional surprise counts of the fund should be made to prevent careless handling, theft, and misuse of petty cash fund.

虽然赚的钱不多,只当个零用,但是想到自己已经是个小老板了就格外开心和自豪。However, soon after money of course, only be a petty, but think I have a little fun with the boss to a particularly proud of.

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监督、审核零用金的补充、月度现金报告、支票报告和现金帐。Approve for release of collateral Monitor and review the replenishment of pretty cash and monthly cash or check or register reports.

现在姐弟两人都已经工作,虽然爸爸妈妈没有要求,但是他们每个月都会主动给父母零用。Now, she and her younger brother are in jobs, although their parents did't ask for anything, they offer pocket money to them every month.

团员之往返机票、个人行李搬运费、零用金、旅游平安险、医疗保险及医疗费用等自行负担。Round-trip flight ticket, baggage fee, pocket money, travel insurance, medical insurance and medical payment will not be included in registration fee.