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为他们做家务或者跑腿。Do errands or chores for them.

我干的是跑腿儿的活。What I do is a kind of legwork.

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他在一家小商店当跑腿。He works as a gofer in a small store.

他经常替邻居们跑腿。He often runs errands for his neighbours.

社会媒体为中心,跑腿分享网站。Social media-centric, errand sharing site.

哦,或许我能跑跑腿儿什么的。Well, maybe I could run errands or something.

这个男孩发现自己总是为黑人跑腿打杂。The boy found himself fagging for a black prefect.

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也许我能帮你跑跑腿什么的。Maybe I could run some errands for you or something.

今天早上老板交给我好多跑腿的事。I have a lot of errands to run this morning for my boss.

这样看起来远远的比我列一个杂务的清单或者是去跑跑腿要好的多了.Sounds a lot better than a list of chores or errands to run.

玛丽仗势支使她的弟弟替她跑腿。Mary bullies her little brother into running errands for her.

我知道你在今晚的比赛中事跑腿的,祝你成功!I know you're going to be geat in the play tonight. Break a leg!

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做家务,跑腿办事可能是其中一部分。"Doing chores and running errands could be part of that, " he said.

然而,大多数时间,我只是撰写文件或为领导们跑跑腿儿。But most of the time, I just wrote papers or ran errands for leaders.

他叫了别人来做所有搜集资料的跑腿活。He asked someone else to do all the legwork of gathering information.

过了一段时间之后,研究工作就失去了新鲜感,但跑腿的工作还是很有意思的。The research got old after a while, but the errands were interesting.

汤姆14岁便开始工作,为一家乡村俱乐部跑腿。At the age of14, tom started working, running errands for a country club.

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我既是看门人、计、练,也是维修工和跑腿的。I was the janitor, bookkeeper, trainer, maintenance man , and boy Friday.

现在,是别人为我们做饭、打扫房间和跑腿了。Now other people cooked the meals, cleaned the house, and ran the errands.

而崇拜市场的要么是理想主义者,要么是华尔街的跑腿。Champions of markets are laissez-faire ideologues or slaves of Wall Street.