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但主治大夫并不同意。The head doctor disagreed, however.

替我问候你主治大夫。The attending doctor for my regards to you.

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他使自己被承认为主治外科医师。He established himself as a leading surgeon.

替我问候你主治大夫。Thee attending doctor for my regards to you.

主治由心绞痛引起胸闷,刺痛心前区。On angina pectoris caused by chest tightness, tingling precordial.

标准头穴线的定位和主治。The location and the major function of standard scalp acupunture lines.

主治更年期妇女浮肿、白带增多。Advocate order increase of dropsy of woman of the turn of life, leucorrhoea.

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它们的药物性能、功效与主治亦有较多差异。There are many differences in medicinal properties, efficacy and indi-cations.

主治大夫早已说服了他们,说这才是最好的行动方案。The head doctor had persuaded them earlier that this was the best course of action.

那些随肉身,纵污秽的情欲,轻慢主治之人的,更是如此。But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government.

而鱼际穴主治疾病有咳嗽、咳血、咽喉肿痛、失音和发热。While the thenar main points Governance disease cough, hemoptysis, sore throat, aphonia , and fever.

威尔逊医生是这里的主治兽医,他是一个亲切且健忘的人,每天都准备着退休。Wilson, the attending veterinarian, a genial and absent-minded man, was about to retire any day now.

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能散风寒,通鼻窍,主治头痛、鼻塞不通和。Powder can be cold, nose-obsessed treat headache, stuffy nose unreasonable pain and tooth infections.

由主治麻醉医师监督处理紧急气管插管并发症的效果。Effects of Supervision by Attending Anesthesiologists on Complications of Emergency Tracheal Intubation.

作为随时待命的主治精神科医生,我对一些从双子塔坍塌的建筑中营救出来的病人进行了评估。As the Attending Psychiatrist on call, I evaluatedseveral patients rescued from the Twin Tower buildings.

结果大承气汤类方主治“中医病”23种、“西医病”4种、症状78种。Results 23 diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine, 4 diseases in Western Medicine and 78 symptoms were found.

郭泽领博士,主治宠物医师,门诊部主任,北京小动物诊疗行业协会常务理事。He is director of the Out-patient department, executive director of Beijing Small Animal Veterinary Association.

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是一种补益中草药。功能主治清热解毒,祛痰止咳、脘腹等。Licorice is a nourishing herbal medicine. The Indication of Licorice is expelling phlegm and arresting coughing.

研究结果还表明,所测定的几种浸出物均不宜作为与功能主治有关的质量控制指标。And it is not suitable to take the solvent extracts as quality control index related to the function and symptom.

相反,如果体重增加了,那就“既来之则安之”,如果你真的想让自己瘦下来,那就请你的主治大夫给你订一个瘦身计划,千万不要节食!If you want to lose weight, make a sensible plan with your doctor, and don’t punish yourself with draconian diets.