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他是一架锐不可当的战斗机器。He's a lean, mean, fighting machine.

我眼前的这支军队锐不可当。The army in front of me looks invincible.

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美元在2009年初期锐不可当。Early in 2009, the dollar appeared unstoppable.

他事业的上升势头锐不可当。His own career continues its inexorable ascent.

好吧。我想我的魅力锐不可当。Well you know, I guess I am pretty damn irresistible.

土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment.

这支球队争取冠军的气势似锐不可当。The team seems unstoppable in their drive for the championship.

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这个球队锐不可当,一举拿下冠军。This team is unstoppable – they won the championship with one bash at it.

而且从他最后回归的几场比赛来看,他锐不可当。And on his return in the last few games, he was already looking very sharp.

这种印象固然一下就过去了,但是在那一刹那间是锐不可当的。It was an impression which vanished speedily, but which was irresistible at the moment.

我们已经因为伤病失去了曾经在边路上锐不可当的乔科尔。We are sorely missing Joe Cole who provides the flair that is so noticeably lacking elsewhere.

随着电脑和手机的普及,网络传媒正以锐不可当之势入住主流媒体。With the popularity of computers and mobile phones, network enters the mainstream media with irresistible force.

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剑身为自己的锐不可当而幸福,而剑柄则满足于自己的为了他人而存在,付出也是一种幸福。Secondly, for his own blade and happy, while the hilt is met on their own to others, there is also a happy to pay.

诺曼第登陆之后,盟军的入侵之势锐不可当,以雷霆万钧的速度横扫德国。After the D-Day landings in Normandy, Allied invasion forces are on a roll. They sweep towards Germany with lightning speed.

他们的技术非常好,我们尤其要注意防守反击,他们有很多锐不可当的速度型前锋。They play very well. Above all we must watch out for counter-attacks. They have a lot of speed up front, they're difficult to stop.

非洲积极推进工业化,谋求自主可持续发展,快速发展势头锐不可当。Africa has actively advanced industrialization and pursued sustainable self-development. Such a momentum of rapid growth is unstoppable.

这实在是非常不幸的,特别是在这当儿,全球性的经济造成世界一体化,只有多元的文化才能抗衡这锐不可当的现象。This is especially unfortunate at a time when cultural diversity is the only means to counteract the sweepingly homogenizing effect of economic globalization.

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非洲加快一体化进程,在国际舞台上坚持用一个声音说话,联合自强势头锐不可当。Africa has accelerated its integration process and speaks in one voice on the international stage. Such a momentum of pursuing strength through unity is unstoppable.

它扭转乾坤的翻身传奇暂且不表,凭借创新型设计、眼花缭乱的媒体内容和APP软件及其所有产品中散发的纯净性感,都使得这家公司的魅力锐不可当。In addition to its business turnaround, its innovative design, and its media content and apps, the unadulterated sexiness of all its products makes Apple hard to resist.

此次胜利使穆雷在亚洲赛季实现了惊人的帽子戏法。苏格兰人显出锐不可当之势,排名超过16次大满贯冠军费德勒,成为ATP排名第三。The victory completed a stunning Asian hat-trick for Murray and allowed the seemingly unstoppable Scot to leapfrog 16-time grand-slam champion Federer into third spot in the ATP list.