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我们是会深谋远虑的肉体We are bodies that can plan.

普罗米修斯的名字即「深谋远虑」的意思。Plo Michel J is the name of "foresight".

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有了智慧和深谋远虑,最终才会赢得胜利。In the end, wisdom and forethought will win.

深谋远虑的人为家庭贮蓄钱财。Provident men lay aside money for their families.

他深谋远虑,投资谨慎。He had the foresight to invest his money carefully.

如果你当时深谋远虑你就不会有那么多麻烦了。If you had had more foresight you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble.

普罗米修斯不只将火种赐与人间,他的名字也意味着“深谋远虑”。Prometheus was not only the giver of fire. His name also means "forethought".

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总之,他勇于挑战,深谋远虑,卓有成效地摧毁了俄国落后的传统In conclusion, he defiantly, deliberately, and effectively broke with tradition.

但是航空公司则持不同看法,他们认为这是一种深谋远虑的布局。But airline holds different view, they think this is a kind of foresighted layout.

其间徐茂山深谋远虑,透露此次夺城,朝廷肯定不会罢休。Meanwhile XuMaoShan foresight, revealed that the government take city, will not give up.

惊喜不属于单亲母亲,所以有一点点的深谋远虑将对她们的提前准备有益处,能以防万一。Surprises are not the single mother's best-friend, so a little forethought will help to keep her prepared, just in case.

杰克逊将军的雕象仍然高高屹立在石座上,以一副深谋远虑的神态望着脚下的一堆水泥炮弹。The statue of General Jackson stands on its pedestal and looks with calculation at the cannon balls pyramided in cement.

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这些人不但具备敏锐的洞察力更是深谋远虑之士,他们懂得有时候为了得到一个好的结果,牺牲难以避免。These people have insight and foresight and understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made to be able to achieve a good result.

加强党的执政能力建设,是一项深谋远虑的历史决策,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。Strengthen a party be in office ability construction, it is a foresighted history decision-making, it is a great and urgent strategy task.

当你这样做的时候,一开始就会给你的庭院一个更加宽裕的空间,你将会发现你对你的深谋远虑感到非常的满意,当植物开始生长的时候。While this may give you a rather sparse garden to start with, you will find that you will be grateful for your foresight when your plants grow in.

这些大脑区域也帮助妈妈们提前计划并深谋远虑,预测婴儿们的需要并准备好满足他们。These brain areas are also involved in planning and foresight, which might help a mother anticipate her infant's needs and be prepared to meet them.

加强党的执政能力建设,是一项深谋远虑的历史决策,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。Stepping up the governing capability of the Party turns out to be a policy of far-reaching effect and a strategic mission of utmost importance and urgency.

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如果你是一个深谋远虑的人,那你更有可能攀登成功的顶峰。”—杰夫▪尼克尔斯if you are a long-term thinker, then you are significantly more likely to achieve greater success in your life compared to those that aren't.” – Jeff Nickles

职业规划是一个包括很多步骤的过程,包括充分地了解自己,了解你正在考虑的职业,这样才能做出深谋远虑的抉择。Career planning is a multi-step process that involveslearning enough about yourself and the occupations which you areconsidering in order to make an informed decision.

基于有先见之明的深谋远虑,他尊奉先贤的格言,那就是我们对待敌人的态度要好像他将来某一天会成为我们的朋友一样。From a long-sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage, that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend.