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判罚核心的公关下降到3!Sizzled Core's PR dropped to 3!

他身边没有公关人员替他出谋划策。He has no PR people advising him.

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一个公关人员给我展示了这篇社论。I was shown this editorial by a PR.

销售及市场学,公关,服务业。Sales and Marketing, Public Relations.

剪下贴-表演公关最多100个网址。Cut & Paste – Shows PR of up to 100 URLs.

杜德利也有他自己的公关问题。Mr Dudley has had PR problems of his own.

还有的更谷歌肉牛比谷歌公关?There 's More to Google Beefs Than Google PR ?

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我会成为出色的公关人员的。You'll find I am an excellent P. R. practitioner.

无假货公关或由谷歌,雅虎,冰被禁网站。NO fake PR or sites banned by Google, Yahoo, Bing.

无假冒公关或由谷歌,雅虎,冰被禁网站。No fake PR or sites banned by Google, Yahoo, Bing.

嗯,我首先取得了一个娱乐公关的学位。Well, I first, I got a degree in entertainment PR.

页面SEO公关有所为,有所不为Do’s and Don’ts of On-Page SEO for Public Relations

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所以我当时就是一个娱乐行业的公关人员,So I was doing, I was a publicist in entertainment,

公关宣传部门显然耍起了引人注目的花招。The promotion department drummed up obvious stunts.

我更喜欢使用双除公关上手抓地力。I prefer to use a double overhand grip except for PR.

这就要看你是否有让他们免费帮你宣传的公关能力了。Public relations is your ability to get free publicity.

这也是所有公关人员应对危机时应具备的精神。This is the spirit for all publicists to handle crisis.

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但在此之前,三星公司的公关代表都会如坐针毡。Until then, its PR representatives are in a tough spot.

你没有意识到这会是一个很棒的公关噱头?You didn't realize it was going to be a great PR stunt?

产品由于缺乏公关和遭到抨击而失败FLAW 2 The product falls short of claims and gets bashed.