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要逃离法老王的追兵并不容易。To escape the Pharaoh's men is not so easy.

李将军之后,是北军将领乔治.麦克莱伦的追兵。Chasing Lee was Union general George McClellan.

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追兵走后,那人说了些感激的话也走了。After pursuer, who said some appreciated words go.

尽管他是个傻子,却成功摆脱了追兵。Fool that he was, he managed to evade his pursuers.

两天以后,敌人的追兵才赶到南岸。Two days later, the enemy pursuers before rushed to the south bank.

三天之前,神才拯救百姓脱离法老的追兵,让他们安然渡过了红海。This was only three days after God's marvellous deliverance of the people at the Red Sea.

周日就是一场关键的比赛,我们必须把追兵甩掉。It starts on Sunday. It will be a hugely important game and we will need the crowd behind us.

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那人说,有追兵在追他,他希望能借老农的家暂时躲一下。The man said, a pursuer in pursuit of him, he hopes to take farmer home temporarily hiding it.

身受重伤的雷刚为了助葵花脱身,竟带着日记引开追兵。The seriously wounded LeiGang to help sunflower get away, but with a diary drive soldiers behind.

对拉登有利的另外一点就是他身后的追兵时常不能集中精力,而且谨小慎微。Bin Laden has been helped by the fact that his pursuers have frequently been distracted and cautious.

摆脱追兵后,我迅速的赶往亡灵法师酷伦处。After getting away from pursuing troops, I fast rush via into Wu to go properly main cool Lun location.

溢洪道能让陆战队们甩掉追兵——然后他就能继续执行自己的任务了。The spillway would allow them to break contact with their pursuers—then he could get back to his mission.

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杨林气得七窃生烟,当场吩咐手下人带追兵捉拿唐壁。Yang ling spirit seven I smoke, there and then commanded his men with the soldiers behind seize tang wall.

这位外交官显然是百发百中,所有七个子弹找到了印记,杀害他的两个追兵。The diplomat was apparently a crack shot, and all seven bullets found their mark, killing his two pursuers.

树林里,我悠然自得的穿梭在其中,好不容易甩掉追兵,心情大好啊!Forest inside, I certainly and self-satisfiedly shuttle therein, very not cozy fling off pursuing crews, in a good mood!

树林里,我悠然自得的穿梭在其中,好不容易甩掉追兵,心情大好啊!Forest inside, I naturally and self-satisfiedly shuttle therein, very not easy fling off pursuing troops, in a agreeable mood!

当以色列人站在不可逾越的红海之前,后有埃及追兵,他们吓得不知怎么办才好。When the Israelites stood before the impassable Red Sea, pursued by the Egyptians, they were overcome by fretting about what to do.

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终于,突破重重围堵甩掉一批又一批追兵的队员们来到了与宝贵约定好的汇合地点。Finally, the breakthrough with containment dump troops group after group of players came to agreement with precious good places to meet.

四子跑到龙头山腰,大力和发达已追至,肃恭牺牲自己,一人顶着追兵。Four children ran to the leading mountainside, developed vigorously and has to, against ready and sacrifice themselves, a man chasing behind.

北魏尚书府遗弃在乡下的庶女李未央意外救了心儿,后又因掩护心儿被追兵杀害。Wei Shang Fu saved heart abandoned in the countryside ordinary female Li Weiyang accident, and for protecting heart by pursuing soldiers killed.