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与科技发展一日千里,这是没有必要的。With advent of technology, this is not needed now.

过去十年,本港高等教育的发展一日千里。Higher education has developed very rapidly in the past 10 years.

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旅游业继续增长一日千里的国际竞争力。The industry continues to grow at a tremendous pace internationally.

近五年来,牙齿干细胞新知一日千里。The studies on human dental stem cells have been greatly progressed during recent five years.

事实上,严琦事业的一日千里,和重庆市的腾飞一样,单纯靠逻辑无法解释。Indeed, Yan Qi's meteoric rise, like that of the city, is difficult to explain by logic alone.

世界的发展难以预见,变化无常,一日千里,这样平庸的管理方法已经跟不上形势了。The world is too unpredictable, too volatile, too fast-moving for such an uninspired approach.

金钱交易的系统,面对一日千里的科技发展,已经完全过时。The system of monetary exchange is — in the face of advancing technology — completely obsolete.

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他非常有领导能力。因为自从他当了我们的上司,我们的业绩就一日千里。He is a very good leader. Since the day he became our boss, our performance is on leaps and bounds.

果真如此,古代原始人的行走进化过程很可能是一日千里,而非循序渐进。If so, walking may have evolved in leaps and bounds, rather than gradually, among ancient hominids.

中国超越日本,与其说是日本的经济在走向倒退,倒不如说是中国的经济在快马加鞭,一日千里。Overtaking Japan speaks as much to Japan's economic malaise as it does to China's spectacular growth.

自从人类近代启蒙运动以来,科学技术的发展突飞猛进,一日千里。From the Enlightenment, the development of science & technology improves rapidly, at a tremendous pace.

市场发展一日千里,时间决定胜负。客户的未来市场期待就是我们今天的奋斗目标。Market development has catalyzed stupendous time decisive. Customer's future market expectation is that we today's goal.

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更多的时候,是在书籍音乐中旅行,一日千里,瞬间万年,身体不用舟车劳顿,全可以感受更多。More time is in the books, music, travel, by leaps and bounds, instant million years body without tiring, can feel more.

秋芹与漫姿的关系发展一日千里,甚至已去到谈婚论嫁的阶段。In the fall of qins relationship with diffuse appearance development in a day, and even have to talk about marriage theory to marry.

有时候,人们想太多分析太多,让他们无法迈出第一步,而失去了一日千里的发展机遇。Sometimes people over think, and over analyze, which prevents them from taking that first step that will carry them one thousand miles.

跟着成都一日千里的开展,成功人士的生涯程度不时进步,然后消费形式也跟着发作了改动。With a thousand li a day in Chengdu, the success of the career progress degree from time to time, and form of consumption also with changed.

随着中国军力发展一日千里而五角大楼却即将坠落,美国需要从其盟国尽可能获得一切帮助。With China's military spending galloping higher and the Pentagon's about to crash, the United States will need all the help from its allies it can get.

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技术和媒体的发展一日千里、日新月异,电子化学习的重点并不在于运用的技术或媒体。The development of technology and media is at a tremendous pace and changing quickly, but the core of E-Learning is not to apply the technology and media.

一家酒店只有造就一支朝气蓬勃,战无不胜的干部员工队伍,生意就会蒸蒸日上,一日千里。A cabaret only educates a vigor booming, staff's employee's troops of the never lose a battle, business will be make rapid progress, on first a long distance.

20世纪以来,IT技术一日千里的发展状况,剧烈地改变着企业的经营环境。Over 20 centuries, the development condition of the first of IT technique a long distance, violently change the management environment of business enterprise.