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我今晚听到的也是你的肺腑之言。That's what I hears tonight.

听了朋友的话,她的肺腑之言让我茫然。After listening to friends, she let me remark at a loss.

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对你爱的人说“我爱你”,但最重要的这是你的肺腑之言。Say, 'I love you' to your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

我告诉你的话全是我的肺腑之言,我不英俊。The words i tell you are from the heart, i am not a good looking man.

记住,对你爱的人说“我爱你”,但最重要的是这是你的肺腑之言。Remember, to say, "I love you" to your loved ones, but most of all mean it.

这肺腑之言或可作为对其舞蹈生涯的一种诠释。The words from the bottom of her heart may explain well her dancing career.

杰克,感谢你的肺腑之言,也许我不该问,你有自己的公司吗?I appreciate your frankness , Jack. Do you have your own company, may I ask?

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我首先要承认,我现在所写的就是我的肺腑之言。I'll be the first to admit it, What i was writing was somewhat touchy-feely.

“我非常感激,”我继续说,并为有人可以明白我的肺腑之言而高兴。"I'm so grateful, " I continued, happy someone could understand my gratitude.

不可否认我说的有点肉麻,但着都是我的肺腑之言。Can't deny what I say a trifle and disgusting, but wear is all my heartfelt words.

这却是她的肺腑之言,难得是酒后,轻易便吐了出来。This but is her heartfelt words, afterward rarely being wine, easily and then vomited out.

人们仍然阅读着他们的肺腑之言,并且人们热爱他们的网站,就是因为他们提供教育、娱乐。People still read what they have to say, and they love their website, because they teach, entertain, or both.

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作为一位老朋友。作为一个热爱国家的公民,我一言难尽,而我所说的皆是肺腑之言。As an old-time friend and as a lover of my country, I cannot say less, and nothing that I could say would mean more.

我所写的都是想对父亲说的肺腑之言,这些言语我很难向母亲启齿。所以我只是含糊地说了几句,然后耸耸肩。I found it hard to share with my mom what I had written from my heart to my dad. I mumbled a few words and shrugged.

当我看到我妈妈拥抱着她最要好的朋友,交换了最后几句肺腑之言,我眼泛泪光。I was on the verge of tears as I watched my mother embrace her best friend and exchange a couple of last heartfelt words.

自从战时阿斯顿维拉的神射手庞戈·沃灵视进球如草芥之时,我们再也没听说过那位英国人发出如此的肺腑之言了。We haven't heard an Englishman utter those sentiments since Pongo Waring was banging in goals for Aston Villa between the wars.

你身边的虫鸣鸟叫一定很悦耳吧,可惜你听不到地球另一端的肺腑之言。The sound of birds must be pleasing. It's a pity that yon don't manage to hear the words from the bottom of heart, from the other side of the earth.

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父母的肺腑之言扑灭了在我心里燃烧的仇恨之火。那次长谈以后,父母和我开始花费漫长的时间修补破裂的亲子关系。My parents' words extinguished the hatred that burned inside me. After that talk, my parents and I began the long journey of healing our broken relationship.

芝晴到梦露家找蔡芯,蔡芯刚好出外买礼物,梦露分别以老师及蔡芯母亲的身分向芝晴说出肺腑之言。Zhi qing to Monroes house to look for CAI core, CAI core just to go out to buy gift, Monroe respectively by the teacher and the mothers identity to zhi qing CAI core say heartfelt words.