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定睛凝视水泊上嬉戏的野禽。Fix eyes on frolic wild fowls on the moor water.

野禽,猎鸟一种野生的猎鸟,如野鸭、野鹅或鹌鹑。A wild game bird, such as a duck, goose, or quail.

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其中会有野禽,还有粒状的玉米,用来做面包或粥,还有鹿肉。Corn, in grain form for bread or for porridge, was there.

当时,朝圣者用“火鸡”一词来代表各种野禽。The term“turkey”was used by the Pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl.

我们回到饭店吃晚饭,席上的菜肴里有今天猎得的那些瘦骨嶙峋的野禽。We return to the restaurant for another banquet, this time including the bony wildfowl.

在深谷里到处是野禽鸣叫声和清脆的潺潺流水声。It was filled with the calls of wild birds and the crystal sound of running water in the ravine.

纳巴罗说,2006年,有30多个国家的野禽和家禽中爆发禽流感。In 2006, more than 30 countries reported outbreaks among wild birds or domestic poultry, Nabarro said.

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可惜他未能在死前将他对当地野花和野禽的观察公诸于世。Thoreau died, however, before he could publish his detailed observations of local wildflowers and wildfowl.

流行病学调查发现,接触其住房周围野禽的粪便可能是一个风险因素。Epidemiological investigation identified a possible risk factor as exposure to wild bird faeces found around the house.

展现出包括厚重的木头,樱桃酒,杏仁,野禽和灌木丛等复杂的香气。This wine displays a complex nose which reveals a powerful woodiness, with notes of cherry liqueur, almond, game and undergrowth.

在出现因感染H5N1死亡野禽的地区,表现出感染症状的鸟只是少数。Where deaths have occurred among the wild population due to H5N1 infection, only a minority of birds appear to have been affected.

通过对鹌鹑卵的孵化实验证明,提高孵化后期湿度,孵化率显著提高,应用在环颈雉、鹧鸪等野禽类中,具有同样的效。Experiments on quail eggs show that incubation rates can be raised remarkably by raising the humidity in the later period of incubation.

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这种病毒已在50多个国家及亚洲以外地区的家禽和野禽身上发现,并已导致140多人死亡。It has been found in domestic and wild birds in more than 50 countries and in regions other than Asia, and has killed more than 140 humans.

“好,”潘克洛夫说,“这种野禽倒很适合我们这种猎户。只要伸手就可以拿到它们!”"Well, " said Pencroft, "here is game, which is quite within the reach of hunters like us. We have only to put out our hands and take it! "

H5N1流感在1997年在香港首次鉴定出来,从亚洲传播到全球威胁人类,显然是由野禽携带。H5N1 flu, first identified as a threat to humans in Hong Kong in 1997, spreads from Asia around the world, apparently carried by wild birds.

低致病禽流感病毒通常出现于野禽,并且可以在很多鸭类包括北长尾鸭中找到。Low pathogenic avian influenza commonly occurs in wild birds and can be found in a number of duck populations including the Northern pintail.

“人们真的是非常震惊,”阿肯色州野禽与鱼类委员会的资深鸟类学家卡伦.罗说,“这真的让人很恐慌。”“People were pretty shell-shocked,” said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “It was very disturbing.”

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“人们真的是非常震惊,”阿肯色州野禽与鱼类委员会的资深鸟类学家卡伦.罗说,“这真的让人很恐慌。”“People were pretty shell-shocked, ” said Karen Rowe, a senior ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. “It was very disturbing.”

迄今为止,亚洲、欧洲、非洲和中东的50多个国家报告了在家禽或野禽鸟身上发现了高致病性H5N1型禽流感。To date, highly pathogenic H5N1 has been reported in domestic or wild birds in more than 50 countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

莱维特在10月21日举行的一次新闻发布会上说,这种病毒已开始以野禽为载体,并将沿着可预知的候鸟迁徙路线传播。“The virus has begun to use wild birds as its carrier, and it will go across predictable migratory flyways,” Leavitt said at an October 21 press briefing.