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他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。They dug worms for bait.

把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上作为钓饵。Bait your hook with a worm.

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钓鱼最好的钓饵是小虾。The best bait is shrimp fishing.

有时,我承认,这是好钓饵。It is good bait sometimes, I allow.

再愚蠢的鱼也不会再次吞食同一块钓饵。It's a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait.

把在地面上爬动的大红毛虫当做钓饵。Large red worms, which were crawling on the ground, furnished bait.

举办竞赛并开出免费汽车的奖品不过是小钓饵。The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel.

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可是,为了免得大家都耽误,你可以先掘出一些钓饵来。But that we may not be delayed, you shall be digging the bait meanwhile.

现在姑且把她当做很不错的钓饵,也许能钓出大鱼来呢。Now throw her as a very good bait, may be able to catch a big fish to it.

我安静地聚精会神地注视着钓饵,当鱼上钓了的时候,我也上钓了。I watch the fly calmly and attentively so that when the fish strikes, I strike.

这时候,松鸡在钩子附近走来走去,丝毫没有注意地上的钓饵。Meanwhile, the birds walked about the hooks, without taking any notice of them.

若是赛场中出现了钓饵,请在查察发轫前清算清洁。If there is bait in the ring, please have it cleaned up prior to the Malamute judging.

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我们提供不同的专业的钓钩,让一款单一的钓饵发挥出不同作用和表现。We reference specific hooks to achieve different presentations with the same soft bait.

于是潘克洛夫轻轻地拉了几下绳子,钓饵微微一动,虫子就好象还活着似的。Pencroft then gave little tugs which moved the bait as if the worms had been still alive.

对处于同一状况下需要做点啥的印尼和美国来说是个很好的钓饵。Nice hook by throwing in Indonesia and America as being in similar dilemma about what to do.

与此同时,一种新的专利战略——“专利钓饵”战略在金融业的运用也越来越普遍。On the other hand, however, patent bait, a new patent strategy has become more and more popular.

同样,钓饵是鱼食重要性的具体体现,对鱼来说,他们可以从中获取食物。Similarly, baits are items of food importance to the fish from which they can obtain sustenance.

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如果你在找寻一个女人成为你激情中的第三元,这事儿本身就可能会成为一个理想的钓饵。If you’re looking for another woman for your Sexy Time Triad, it could be ideal for you to do the fishing.

观察人士说,接受这类钓饵利率的贷款人往往不懂他们签押的到底是什么。Observers say borrowers who took such teaser rates often did not understand what they were signing up for.

它是如此的暴力,轻如鸿毛,难以置信的敏感,你甚至可以感受到鱼看着你的钓饵。It's sneaky powerful, insanely light and so incredibly sensitive you can almost feel a fish looking at your lure.