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有棉夹袄和人造毛夹袄。With cotton pad and artificial wool pad.

没逛多久便看中一件碎花夹袄。How long did they fancy a stroll Floral Jiaao.

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我今天26天了,妈妈给我穿上了姥姥给我做的小夹袄,真的个好暖和,谢谢姥姥。I am 26 days old today. I weared the jacket from my Mormor, very warm, Thanks mormor!

秋深,天更是凉了,过不了多久大家应该都又穿上风衣夹袄。Deep autumn, the day is cold, it won't be long before everyone should also wear windbreaker jacket.

看,路上的行人在不经意间已换上了厚厚的毛衣,穿上了夹袄,有的还穿上了羽绒服呢。Look, the pedestrians on the road in casual has changed into the thick sweater, put on a jacket, some still wear down jacket?

薄施脂粉,一条黑华丝葛裙子系得高高的,细腰喇叭袖黑木钻狗牙边雪青绸夹袄,脖子上围着一条白丝巾。A black skirt was tied high, trumpet sleeves with silk lined green undercoat and white silk scarves highlighted her light makeup.

琴的店里也挂着我想要的相同款式和质地的夹袄,我连价都没问就让琴给打了包。The shop has hung piano I want the same style and texture Jiaao, I even asked the price did not let the piano to play the package.

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我们彼此都没按响对方的电话。那件夹袄,我一直没敢穿,我担心它不能抵御这个冬天彻骨的霜寒。We did not each other's phone rang. That piece Jiaao, I have been dared to wear, I'm afraid it can not withstand frost biting cold this winter.

薄施脂粉,一条黑华丝葛裙子系得高高的,细腰喇叭袖黑木钻狗牙边雪青绸夹袄,脖子上围着一条白丝巾。She wore little make-up. A black silk skirt was tied to her waist, and a lined undercoat was on her upper body, as well as a white silk scarf on her neck.

著着很厚的青布单衣或夹袄的都市闲人,咬着烟管,在雨后的斜桥影里,上桥头树底下去一立。Some idle townsfolk, wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth, will come out pipe in mouth and, loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge.

薄施脂粉,一条黑华丝葛裙子系得高高的,细腰喇叭袖黑木钻狗牙边雪青绸夹袄,脖子上围着一条白丝巾。With little make- up and, she wore a black china silk skirt in high waist, then put on a snowy blue lined undercoat with trumpet sleeves and rippled edge so as to match her white scarves of silk.