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有的,不过只有猩红色的了。Yes, but only in scarlet.

他没有穿他的猩红外套。He did not wear his scarlet coat.

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因为不管她那猩红的开心For whether she in scarlet does delight

战火轰隆,猩红的子弹在狂呼。War bellows blazing in scarlet batralions.

黑眼睛女孩儿裹着猩红披肩There were black-eyed girls in scarlet shawls

我想他一定看出来我胸口上的那个猩红色的出轨烙印了。I was sure he could see the scarlet " A " burned to my chest.

这猩红色的地毯中和了你的窗帘的颜色。The color of the curtains clashes with the color of the carpet.

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破败遍布世界,猩红的天空炙烤着下方的人类。Devastation over the world, bloodred sky burning the humans below.

在有一些地方,红色的地球制造猩红色的龙卷风。In some areas, red earth produces dramatic scarlet-hued tornadoes.

这些枯枝上落下的叶子一片猩红,像地毯似的铺在树干周围。The leaves they had shed lay like a scarlet carpet around the trunk.

一个穿着一身猩红镶金制服的妖精站在这里守卫。A goblin stands guard here, dressed in a uniform of scarlet and gold.

在茂密的叶柄端部开猩红色花的一种欧亚多年生园林植物。Eursian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads.

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在茂密的叶柄端部开猩红色花的一种欧亚多年生园林植物。Eurasian garden perennial having scarlet flowers in dense terminal heads.

周围的岩层建成两个室内装饰中广泛走廊猩红。Two broad verandahs built around an interior terrance trimmed in scarlet.

休息了两个月,我的猩红色大岩桐今天又开始开花了。After nearly 2 months of rest, my scarlet Gloxinia started blooming today.

他们身边的树已经开始换颜色了,满是一片赭色,鲜黄和猩红的色彩。Around them, the trees had started to turn, ochre and orange, scarlet red.

把头发用梳子倒梳,猩红唇色王道。We will be growing our hair into backcombed bunches and glossing our lips scarlet

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另外,猩红、红色和洋红色,能促进桃花运。Colors such as scarlet, red and carmine help in the promotion of love and romance.

一种8世纪时,妇女披的带风帽的短斗篷,最初用猩红色的布料做成。A short, hooded cloak, originally of scarlet cloth, worn by women in the 8th century.

雅卡总是穿着一件猩红色的长袍,黄铜色的脸上带着对一切事物不屑的神情。Yaka appears as a man dressed in red scarlet and brass with a face of disapproval for all.