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现在他们仍然记得那句古谚语。They still remember that old saying these days.

正如古谚所说,软弱的心无法赢得美人。As the old saw has it, faint heart never won fair lady.

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非洲古谚说,当你祈祷的时候,也同时采取行动。In the words of the old African proverb, when you pray, move your feet.

有句古谚曾说,绵羊每叫一声,它就会掉落一口干草。There is a saying that every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful of hay.

者善辩“是我自己刚刚虚构的一句中国古谚。"The more articulate, the less say" is an old Chinese proverb which I just make up myself.

“千里之行始于足下”这句古谚大家再熟悉不过了。There's the old saying everyone's familiar with "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

"千里之行始于足下"这句古谚大家再熟悉不过了.There's the old saying everyone's familiar with "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

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对税收犯罪提起苦的第二个理由是,正如古谚所云,“钱是万恶之源”。The second reason for prosecuting tax crimes is that, as the old saying goes, "Money is the root of all evil."

古谚曰∶“没有教养的人怪别人,半有教养的人怪自己,有好教养的人谁也不怪。”Ancient proverb says ∶ " the strange others and person that has not educated , half cultured person blames self, the person of good culture all does not blame ".

一种通过Facebook来培养的澳大利亚植物应验了爱之适足以害之这句古谚,研究人员说,它的粉丝们简直爱死它了。An Australian plant fed via Facebook has given proof to the adage "killing with kindness", with its fans on the site literally loving it to death, researchers said.

但我更愿意对这一古谚作这样的解读,即人们的幸福感与满足感缘起于他们所已取得的成就,包括已经取得了的“新”和“异”的成就。But I would rather interpret this as implying that people's sense of happiness and satisfaction results from what they have achieved, including what is new and what is different.