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所以她就在炉膛里生起一把火,并且扔进去一些稻草。So she made a fire on her hearth, and threw in some straw.

它是载热体,从炉膛吸入或放出热量。It is a heat carrier, absorbing or releasing heat from the furnace.

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整个U型钢颗粒分离系统位于炉膛的出口处。The entire U-beam particle separator is located at the furnace exit.

屋子用煤油灯照明,用一个炉膛突出的火炉取暖。The house was lighted by coal-oil lamps and heated by potbellied stoves.

生命的热焰犹如封闭在热力无法脱逃的炉膛之中,生生不息。The flames of life burn in a closed oven from which the heat cannot escape.

炉膛采用新型耐火纤维材料,真空成型,炉丝镶嵌在炉膛内壁炉温均匀,升温快。The hearth is formed into a vacuum using new type refractory fiber material.

四角切圆燃煤锅炉的煤粉颗粒运动对炉膛结渣有重要影响。The motion of pulverized coal has great influence on the slagging in furnace.

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煤炭还是新铁路机车炉膛里燃烧的燃料。Coal was also the fuel that burned in the fireboxes of the new railway engines.

全燃烧高炉煤气锅炉的火焰检测器以及FSSS的炉膛灭火保护。Fire detector and flameout protection for FSSS in all blast furnace gas fired boiler.

飞灰含碳量的升高从本质上来讲是煤粉在炉膛中燃尽性的下降。High carbon content in fly ash means that the coal is not burning well in the boiler.

升温快,炉膛温度均匀,产品成品率高。Quickly increase temperature, more uniform temperature in hearth, higher pass-rete of production.

当石灰石颗粒一进入锅炉炉膛,就迅速被加热到高温。The limestone particles are heated rapidly to high temperature upon entry into the boiler furnace.

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硅碳棒加热元件系竖在炉膛两旁的方形砖上。Silicon carbide bar heating elements on both sides of the shaft furnace in the brick on the square.

起动风机,将风门开到最大,进行炉膛扫气三分钟。Start F. D. F, then fully open F. D. F inlet vane, and perform the furnace purge for three minutes.

其基本特性为中间再热、自然循环、单炉膛、燃煤锅筒锅炉。Main features of this boiler are reheat, natural circulation, single furnace drum boiler fired coal.

对炉膛水冷壁局部在线灰污监测的两种方法——热流计法和背面温差法进行了论述。Two methods are discussed which are heating flux and temperature difference of the furnace water wall.

煤球炉主要包括外围保护装置和火焰燃料电池的煤球炉膛。The coalball furnace mainly includes outer protecting device and coalball hearth of flame fuel battery.

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母亲会放下炉膛上的饭锅,匆忙地跑过来,用双手紧抱着孩子。Then the mother takes the rice-pot down from the hearth, runs in haste, and takes the child in her arms.

可是,一个用来探测土壤落入炉膛的电子眼报告没有任何颗粒物进入炉膛。However, an electronic eye positioned to detect dirt falling into the chamber didn't report any particles.

因此可以对双炉膛的风烟系统加设一个负反馈操作,使裤衩腿维持平衡。Thus additional negative feedback control is necessary to keep the bed inventory balance between the legs.