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小孩子咋么会的百日咳?Dot how the whooping cough of the meeting?

对于百日咳没有专门的治疗方法。There is no specific treatment for pertussis.

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用符咒驱除百日咳是不可能的。It is impossible to charm away the whooping-cough.

这就可以防止他们染上百日咳。This will prevent them from getting whooping -cough.

就像铂金,其稀有性使得它百日咳的价值。Just like platinum, its rarity gives it a whooping value.

可以试试百日咳之类的病——没有人会想和你说话的。Try whooping cough instead—no one will want to talk to you.

百日咳、白喉、破伤风混合疫苗禁忌症。Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus mixed vaccine contraindication.

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病人有咳嗽的朋友做了百日咳假定性治疗。The patient's friends with cough were treated for presumed pertussis.

在2岁时,他感染了麻疹、百日咳和水痘。At 2 years old, he contracted measles, whooping cough, and chickenpox.

对感冒,百日咳,喉炎,慢性支气管炎有效。To the cold, whooping cough, laryngitis , chronic bronchitic effective.

儿童在2月龄开始需要接种一系列的百日咳疫苗。Children get whooping cough vaccine in a series of shots beginning at 2 months.

1981年,日本开始给他们的孩子接种一种新的“非细胞”百日咳疫苗。In 1981, Japan began giving their children a new "acellular" pertussis vaccine.

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美国食品药品监督管理局批准Boostrix疫苗预防在年龄65和以上人们破伤风,白喉,和百日咳。FDA approves Boostrix to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis in older people

加州目前正处于半个世纪以来最严重的百日咳爆发中。California is now in the middle of the worst outbreak of pertussis in half a century.

像白喉,百日咳,破伤风实验室,医药卫生制药公司在制药行业,也。Like DPT Laboratories, Med-Health Pharma operates in the pharmaceutical industry, too.

本方法为简化无细胞百日咳菌苗的研制过程提供了有利条件。This paper provided a useful method for the production of acellular pertussis vaccine.

这种疫苗可预防百日咳,百日咳可引起严重的咳嗽。This vaccine prevents pertussis , or "whooping cough, " which causes severe coughing fits.

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安志杰,张颖,左树岩,等。榆林市百日咳流行病学分析及相关危险因素研究。An ZJ, Zhang Y, Zuo SY, et al. Epidemiology of pertussis and related risk factors in Yulin.

在1987年,66名日本百日咳疫苗的受害者从政府获得了巨大的赔偿。In 1987, 66 victims of the Japanese pertussis vaccine won huge awards from their government.

儿童也接受免疫预防包括伤寒、白喉、百日咳、天花和破伤风。Children are also immunized against typhus, diphtheria, whooping cough, smallpox, and tetanus.