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对此我一无所知.I know nothing about it.

耶鲁大学人类学系的研究助理,加里.阿龙森说,“它是非常隐秘的动物,我们对它几乎一无所知。”It is a very cryptic animal.

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我们对他的生世几乎一无所知。We know little about his life.

我对艺术史一无所知。I know nothing about art history.

厨师对物理学一无所知。The chef knew nothing of physics.

对英国人我们一无所知。We knew nothing about the British.

不善交谈的人一无所知。He that converses not knows nothing.

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不和人交谈的人一无所知。He that converses not knows nothing.

作为业余爱好者,我们对这事本来就是一无所知的。As amateurs we would have had no idea.

最高法官对爱尔兰情况一无所知。The justiciars know nothing of Ireland.

他对金钱像牛对金钱一样一无所知。He had no more idea of money than a cow.

他连哲学的基础知识都一无所知。He doesn't know even the ABCs of philosophy.

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它对视图或控制器一无所知。It knows nothing about the view or controller.

但是他对泰纳恩的内心世界几乎一无所知。But of the inner Tynan he knew next to nothing.

赫斯渥对形势的这些变化一无所知。Hurstwood knew nothing of the change of temper.

可是,我们对养鸡一无所知。Of course we knew nothing about raising chickens.

他们在暴动中长大,除此之外,一无所知。They have grown up knowing nothing but insurgency.

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老制篮商对这一切一无所知。Now, the old basket maker knew nothing of all this.

科学对这种以太物质一无所知。Science knew nothing of any such etheric substance.

除了知道他是个作家,别的我一无所知。I know nothing about him except that he is a writer.