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那是一个出色的剑手。He is a fine swordsman.

布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

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李磊是一个出色的女孩。Li Lei is a pretty girl.

他是出色的高尔夫球手。He is the meanest golfer.

他是个出色的国际象棋选手。He is a mean chess-player.

科尼是一个出色的大夫。Corney is a capital doctor.

你真是一位出色的女主人。You’re a wonderful hostess.

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科科是出色的伴侣。He is a wonderful companion.

很出色,我很感激。Well done! I appreciated it.

出色的做媒一份工作。Do every job with excellence.

他是名出色的黑管演奏家。He is famous clarinet player.

她样样工作都干得很出色。She has done remarkable jobs.

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出色的标签和味道。Oustanding labeling and taste.

她是一个画艺出色的画家!She is a very capable painter.

你干得很好,马拉,非常出色。You did well, Mala. Very well.

中国人的确非常出色。Chineese people are awesome too.

中国人的确非常出色丅。Chineese people are awesome too.

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他是一名出色的摄影记者。He is a famous photo-journalist.

但是瑜伽袜子还不完善,上图中的凯拉.瑞德拥有加利福尼亚,奥哈伊的一家出色的收束瑜伽工作室,她在那里授课。Yoga socks are far from perfect.

学术上,徐是出色的。Academically Hsu was outstanding.