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我们应该沿袭我们的优良传统。We should keep up our good traditions.

新款凯美瑞将沿袭过去的一系列优势。The new Camry will have a lot to live up to.

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英语是澳大利亚的官方语言,这时习惯的沿袭,而非法定之规。The official language is English, by usage, not by law.

这种风俗自十六世纪沿袭下来。The custom has continued from the 16th century downward.

除了这些新鲜的庆祝方式外,一些旧传统也被沿袭。Several European countries rang in the new year in new ways.

让您的设计避免沿袭最新流行的商标设计潮流,而要看起来能够经久不衰。Avoid recent logo design trends. Instead, make the logo look timeless.

这些程式语言通常仅沿袭自一种早先语言的习惯。Each language usually adopts the convention of one early language only.

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这个用户界面原本可以很容易地沿袭了传统的列表视图的路线。This interface could have easily followed the traditional list-view route.

一些欧洲银行的股票沿袭了大盘的走势。U.S.-listed shares of some big European banks followed the same trajectory.

一般我的作曲习惯沿袭爵士乐的A-B-A或者起首—独奏—起首的基本结构。Generally, my pieces follow a jazz-based structure of A-B-A or head-solo-head.

整合的结果是混乱的,却是沿袭了之前风格的一种混乱。The result is chaotic, but it has the virtue of at least being familiar chaos.

沿袭旧制不变的代价之高令人难以承受,这让一些高级官员们震惊。The price of business as usual strikes some senior officials as intolerably high.

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实施素质教育不能搞短期行为,不能沿袭过去的工作路数、照搬传统工作模式。The quality education is a long-term work and can't use the traditional way of work.

我们今天使用的接插模型,主要从早期网络沿袭而来。The plug-in model we use today is largely theone inherited from the web's early days.

我们今天使用的接插模型,主要从早期网络沿袭而来。The plug-in model we use today is largely theone inherited from the web’s early days.

第一条也是最根本的的一条自然法就是,去寻求和平并且沿袭下去。The first and most fundamental law of nature, he says, is to seek peace and follow it.

清代不但沿袭,还特许紫禁城骑马等优礼,故以“一品”寓孔府。In Qing Dynasty, The duke got a special permission to ride a horse in the Forbidden City.

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隋唐以后,历代灯火之风盛行,并沿袭传于后世。Sui and Tang dynasties, the ancient light of prevailing winds, and follow-on generations.

帕切科的转会沿袭了巴塞罗那青少年出走英超的传统。Pacheco's transfer continued a trend of teenagers leaving Barcelona for the Premier League.

新店沿袭了俏江南时尚创新的经营特色。The newly-opened store inherits South Beauty's constant features of fashion and innovation.