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人一闲下来就会胡思乱想。An idle man will woolgather.

够了,别再这样胡思乱想了。Enough of this mind-wandering.

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她从来不像你这样胡思乱想。She was never flighty like you.

由于我在胡思乱想,倒翻了菜汤和肉汁。My fantasy spills soup and gravy.

而且这个不完全是胡思乱想。And this is not altogether fanciful.

哦,请你们别胡思乱想了。Oh, please do not suggest anything incestuous.

别坐在那儿胡思乱想,来帮助我整理东西。Don't sit there wool-gathering, come and help me tidy up.

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他说他工作努力,但他却常常在胡思乱想。He says he works hard, but he's day-dreaming half the time.

很怕黑。很爱胡思乱想怎么办么?。Very be afraid of black. Love how to do crankily very much?

如果不去尝试,我们不会知道要停止胡思乱想有多难。We don’t know how hard it is to stop thinking until we try.

她在本应工作时胡思乱想着度假计划。She dreamt about vacation plans when she should have been working.

整天无所事事地在美术室胡思乱想打发时间?Sitting in an art room all day, going out of my mind with boredom?

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燕麦可以帮助你缓解急躁和胡思乱想的情绪。Oatmeal may help if you find yourself feeling irritable and cranky.

天马行空的胡思乱想,有真有假。This is my unconstrained woolgather, some are true, some are false.

有时,他眼睛闭上后,她的声音就越来越轻,开始胡思乱想起来。Sometimes, when his eyes closed, she trailed off and began to drift.

你要是胡思乱想,休想喝到一滴牛奶!You can stand on your head, but you won't get a single drop of milk.

约格森米哈曼是一个虔诚的,在周边城市胡思乱想德国业余爱好者。J. G. Hamann was a pious, cranky dilettante in a peripheral German city.

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睡觉前总是胡思乱想一些恐怖的东西怎么办?。Be before sleeping, always a few crankier how does bloodcurdling thing do?

多萝西娅发现自己这么胡思乱想,不免有些脸红。Dorothea felt rather ashamed as she detected herself in these speculations.

研究表明普通人每天都会有一些胡思乱想的体验。Studies show that the average person experiences paranoia on a daily basis.