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该师早已有编制员额。The division had its complement of men.

作者员额用“牦牛”的用户名。The author posts using the " yak " username.

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员额5日在西班牙时尚论坛的链接。Post 5 links in spanish fashion forums daily.

所以,请你三思而后员额和应该做的概括或刻板印象没有。So please think before you post and don't over generalise or stereotype.

所有的数据库的PHP添加员额规划等将提供由我们。All database PHP programming for adding posts, etc will be supplied by us.

因此,这意味著,注册,每月员额检查,暂停和终止。So that means, signup, monthly posts checking, suspension, and termination.

在过去的2星期四,阿尼尔和我交换圣彼得堡和马尼拉虚个员额。For the past 2 Thursdays, Anil and I have exchanged imaginary posts about St.

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该网站的员额应编入索引迅速被谷歌和其他搜索引擎。The posts of the site should be indexed fast by google and other search engines.

我的祖父漠然地袭击钉成员额和洪各种事情上。My grandfather nonchalantly pounded nails into posts and hung various things on them.

员额将进入一个有机的秩序因而“易于遵循”为申请人的步骤。Posts will be entered in an organic order thus "easy-to-follow" steps for the applicant.

我也有这个问题,而进口员额从我的旧博客当我转移到新的网域。I too had this problem while importing posts from my old blog when I shifted to new domain.

Com是因特网和拍卖领先的搜索资源…实木餐套房,4员额表,六布盖着木椅子,VGC。" Solid " wood dining suite, 4 posts "table, " and six of the cloth covering of "wooden" chairs, VGC.

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各研究所之教学助理员额及人选,由各所自行公告及评审之。The numbers and candidates of department's teaching assistants are announced and chosen by the departments.

杨宇军表示,这次裁减军队员额将于2017年年底基本完成,旨在调整优化军队结构。The reduction will be completed by the end of 2017 in order to optimize the structure of Chinese forces, Yang said.

由于活塞队的员额停止下滑的驱动器,哈灵顿盘旋从机翼现场杜洪和李腾空上方的关键所在。As the Pistons' posts sagged to stop the drive, Al Harrington circled from the wing to the spot Duhon and Lee vacated at the top of the key.

中国在确保国家安全利益的前提下,始终将军队员额控制在最低限度。While meeting the precondition of ensuring the interests of the national security, China has always kept its military personnel at a minimum level.

政府部门就业人口上月增加39万,因应人口普查聘雇的员额,盖过了一些州及地方政府因财政拮据而裁员的影响.Recruitment for the population count saw government employment rising 390,000, overshadowing the drag from job cuts in cash-strapped states and localities.

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今山西阳泉地震后,神州采集购买、生产了本身的高技能装备,同时减少军队员额,以便使军队人数更少、训练更精。Since then it has bought and produced its own hellogh-tech weapons, and reduced the number of personnel in an attempt to have fewer, but better trained, troops.

该套件提供的碳底盘,上层甲板和电池安装,以及蓝色阳极马达和电池安装员额和所有必要的硬件。The kit is supplied with the carbon chassis, upper deck and battery mount, as well as blue anodized motor mounts and battery posts and all the required hardware.

精心做好军队体制编制调整改革工作,确保完成2005年前裁减军队员额20万等各项任务。We will work painstakingly to adjust and realign our military strength to ensure that the armed forces are reduced by 200,000 troops and that related tasks are completed by 2005.