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简直就是个猪圈。A real sty.

这地方跟猪圈一样。This place is a pigsty.

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这个地方像猪圈一样的乱。This place is a pig sty.

可你的卧室还象个猪圈。Your bedroom's a sty still.

你的房间象一个猪圈一样。Your room is like a pig sty.

呃,浴室简直就是一猪圈啦!Ugg, this bathroom is a pigsty!

你还是回到你的猪圈去吧!And you, go back to your pigsty!

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猪圈里有许多猪。There are many pigs in the pigsty.

猪圈,猪栏,养猪场饲养或存放猪的地方。A place where pigs are raised or kept.

铺在猪圈里的草已粘结成层了。Litter in the pig sty has bedded down.

猪圈里有几头猪。There are several swine in the piggery.

下一件事,收发室像个猪圈。Next thing is, the mail room is a pigsty.

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“她的车库就是个猪圈,”有一次他曾说。“Her garage was a pig sty, ” he once said.

他经常呆在猪圈�观察猪的构造和各种反应,一有新发现就记下来。He would spend many hours a day in the pig sty.

供试肥料为优质猪圈肥。The organic fertilizer was high quality pig turd.

你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!

这些猪用鼻子拱猪圈的栏杆。The pigs pushed their noses through the bars of their pen.

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把这些脏盘子统统拿走!这地方看上去像猪圈了!Get all these dirty dishes away! The place is like a pigsty!

他把大石块堆在房子前开始垒猪圈。He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty.

掉在猪圈上面,就是母猪阿佛洛狄特的屋顶上。I landed in the pig-pen on top of Aphrodite, the mother pig.