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那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。She had to sift ashes from the cinders.

他正在一张手工雕刻的木床上睡觉。He was sleeping on a hand-carved wooden bed.

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在我家的那张木床上,有一只可爱的玩具。On my family's that wooden bed, has a lovable toy.

低头一看,原来一张大木床上只有大概一寸厚的床垫。I looked, and it was an inch thick mattress on a big wooden block.

那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。The incinerated body still lay curled in its wooden bed of cinders.

门边的地板上有一张木床,孩子们通常在那上面睡觉。Flooring above the door is a plank bed where children usually slept.

因搬家,转让双人床、床垫、实木床板一套。Because of moving, double bed, wood bed mattress, the transfer of a set.

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酱园店内的小木楼。还不错吧!还有楼里的木床,很有特色。The wooden building of the soy-sauce store, and the wooden bed, very special.

用竹子制成的木床能在任何卧室里营造出安宁的气氛和热带的风情。Wooden bed made of bamboo will create peaceful and tropical atmosphere in any bedroom.

本公司主要生产各种多功能儿童木床、木椅及其它儿童家具。The company produces all kinds of wooden beds, chairs and other furniture for children.

桌上和地板上都堆满了书,墙角是一张简单的木床。Books covered the tables and were piled up on the floor. A simple wooden bed stood in a corner.

从敞开的门外边,可以看到屋子里的红砖地,一张大木床,牌桌上摆着一只大口水罐和一个面盆。Through the open door you see a red-tiled floor, a large wooden bed, and on a deal table a ewer and a basin.

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三个木床铺放在车厢两边,因此每个在上铺的人必须头对着车厢天花板睡觉。Three wooden bunks are stacked on both sides of the cabin, so the person at the top has to sleep nose-to-ceiling.

品种主要有钢架睡床、豪华木床、婴儿推车、学步车及高档木质餐椅、三轮车等。Our products include steel frame doss luxurious wooden bad baby walker top grade wooden dining chair and tricycle.

公司主要生产销售实木床、床头柜、酒店配套、休闲家具等产品。The company mainly produces and sells solid wood bed, bedside cabinets, hotel deals, leisure furniture and other products.

实木床头床尾,流线外观设计,高雅舒适,油漆防蛀床板。Head and tail are made of solid wood, streamline appearance design, elegant and comfortable, mothproof wood plate with painting.

泰国小女孩和沙滩男孩带我们看了硬木床和厚达6英寸的席梦思,还给我们奉上冰毛巾和茶水。Tiny Thai girls and beach boys show us to beautiful hardwood beds with six-inch deep mattresses and bring iced towels and water.

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在房间的中央有一张垂着黄金帐幕的雕木床,而上面正躺着沉睡中的睡美人!There was a royal bed of carved wood with gold curtains in the center of the room. And on it, deep in sleep, lay Sleeping Beauty!

所有房间都有特殊的木床,宿舍有双层高床,胶合板木材墙背。All rooms have specially-made timber bed frame not touching the floor and the dorm has double high bed design with plywood timber wall backing.

他眯着眼打量了一下环境,发现这是一间文艺复兴风格的豪华卧室,路易十六世的家俱,装饰有手工壁面的墙面,还有一张宽大的四柱红木床。Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture, hand-frescoed walls, and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed.