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这听起来确实有点像是官样文章。If this sounds like gobbledygook, it kind of is.

这些话当然是官样文章。Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.

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这些话自然是官样文章。Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.

他们对他的设计没有认真讨论就官样文章地加以批准了。They rubber-stamped his design without serious discussion.

我试图申请新护照的过程变成了一场官样文章的噩梦。My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare.

英国政府似乎从诞生之日起,就受官样文章的束缚。English government seems to have been swathed in red tape at its birth.

巴罗佐还严厉批评了环绕谈判所做的官样文章。Barroso was also scathing about the red tape surrounding the negotiations.

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奥巴马承诺他的政府将和数字时代紧密相连,而非总是些官样文章。Obama promises a government identified with the digital age, not red tape.

他们说,部长的官样文章已经拖延了许多有希望的研究项目。They say the ministry's red tape has delayed many promising research leads.

他但凡提出疑问,得到的回答全是华尔街的官样文章。When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.

如果这看起来像是学究的官样文章,那么想想苹果的信徒是如何看待世界的。If that sounds like academic gobbledygook, consider how Apple devotees see the world.

它将产生比通常官样文章所表述的相互尊重具有的更大的影响。It should therefore yield more than the usual boilerplate professions of mutual esteem.

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教务长昨天在大会上关于人生目标的演讲不过是官样文章罢了,毫无新意。The dean's speech in the meeting yesterday was nothing but a rubber stamp about the goal of life.

当人们用冗长而无意义的词进行交谈或书写时,我们称之为官样文章。When people talk or write using long, fancy words that really mean nothing, we call it gobbledygook.

BBC的一台喜剧节目“W1A”将国家广播电台中善于推卸责任的管理者以及该组织内的官样文章披露给民众。BBC comedy, "W1A", sends up blame-shifting managers and corporate gobbledygook at the nation's broadcaster.

必须鼓励科学家与不同研究所的同事合作,并且免受过多官样文章的困扰。They should be encouraged to work with colleagues across different institutes, free from excessive red tape.

所以,当不诚实的政客想用“无价值的琐事”去“哄骗”群众时,他通常会用“官样文章”来敷衍。So, when the dishonest politician wants to hornswoggle the public with a boondoggle, he usually explains things in gobbledygook.

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简易语言的倡导者和实践者将蚕食顽固的深奥难懂的法律语言和其他形式的官样文章这道“铁幕”。Plain-language advocates and practitioners will nibble at the iron curtain of the tenacious legalese and other forms of gobbledygook.

而中国则咬文嚼字、避开美方不满的实质,做官样文章。Now the Chinese have responded by seizing on the form of American language to avoid dealing with the substance of American complaints.

他从露丝的信中每一行缺乏热情的官样文章里看出她并不认可,而她是对的。She knew they were failures, and he read her disapproval in every perfunctory and unenthusiastic line of her letter. And she was right.