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结果是各方僵持不下。The result is a global standoff.

并且,双方僵持,各不相让。Both sides stalemate, and his lap.

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战争局势陷入了僵持阶段。The war situation has been stalemated.

但是,继续僵持恐怕会迫使鲍尔默提高赌注。But holding out may force Ballmer to up the ante.

中国将僵持走和平发展门路。China is committed to the path of peaceful development.

没有佐理,我就僵持不住了。I cannot hold on studying without someonenos encouragement.

久而久之,双方的僵持状态硬化成「冻结冲突」。Over time, the stalemates hardened into "frozen conflicts."

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但将这种僵持作为一种政治策略是对国家的伤害。But gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country.

僵持板安装在一个头板外侧。A standoff plate is mounted to an exterior side of the header plate.

一名警察随后与歹徒僵持,直至该嫌犯吞枪自杀。A police standoff ensued, and ended only when the suspect shot himself.

安迪往后退,在墙角处与他们僵持并试图移出曲折的过道。Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze.

如果土耳其政府与绝食抗议者继续僵持下去,更多葬礼将接踵而至。If the stand-off with hunger strikers persists, more funerals will follow.

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韩国国会在这个问题上的僵持局面使美韩自贸协议没有希望快速过关。The political stalemate ends hopes for a speedy implementation of the pact.

不管追求什么目标,都应僵持不懈。Pursue your object, this what it will, steofferily very goodd indefatigably.

由于核项目问题,伊朗一直跟西方国家僵持不下。Due to the problem of nuclear item,Iran deadlock with west countries all long.

在你想要放胆的那一刻,想想为什么起初僵持走到了这里。The minute you think of giving up- think of the reason why you held on so long.

同时,安德斯进入了太空混战并与塞昂侵略者持续僵持。Anders enters the space melee and has a surprising standoff with a Cylon raider.

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尽管计划的交付日期已经过期,印度和俄罗斯仍在成本问题上僵持不下。Despite a planned 2008 delivery date, India and Russia remain stalemated over cost.

就这样僵持了20分钟,我越咒骂他,他就开越多罚单。The deadlock continued for 20 minutes. The more I cursed him, he issued more bills.

但在七年分裂的、僵持的政府中,这些希望化为乌有。But those hopes have been dashed amid seven years of divided, deadlocked government.