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他在赛马赌博中下大赌注。He gambled heavily on the horses.

全书有上中下三篇共12个部分。The book has 3 parts and 12 chapters.

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现在摩根在这场游戏中下了很大的赌注。Now, Morgan has a big stake in this game.

参与人I有三个策略,上中下Player I is choosing Up, Middle, or Down.

大部分的鸟在它们的巢中下蛋。NEST】Most birds lay their eggs in their nests.

画布中下一个需要编辑的项是导出。The next item to edit on the canvas is the export.

他在与匈牙利的比赛中下半场登场亮相并独中两元。He came on in the second half and scored two goals.

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矿床产由于中下元古界陈蔡群变质岩系中。The deposit occurs in Chencai group metmorphi. rock.

“披头士”以及蕾哈娜粉丝的开放水平居于中下等。Beatles and Rihanna fans led the middle of the lowest.

柯林黑唱了一小时后在掌声雷动中下了台。Colin left the stage after an hour to rapturous applause.

很明显,这批产品的品质是中下水平。It’s obvious that the products are below average quality.

该公司预计第二季度毛利率将维持在中下水平。It expects Q2 gross margins to be in the mid-to-low teens.

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上中下本来是表示位置的。Originally, "upper, middle, and lower" expressed locations.

他来自中下阶层一个根本没什么文化的家庭。He comes from a completely uncultured, lower middle-class family.

绝大多数的椎间盘突出发生在背的中下部,但颈部也可发生。Most disk ruptures occur in the middle to lower part of the back.

烃源岩发育于中下侏罗统中。The Lower and Middle Jurassic contain the hydrocarbon source rock.

它在上中下三处以12标号的钢丝拉紧起来。It was strung at top, center and bottom on 12-gauge spring steel wire.

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简要介绍了某型涡扇发动机中下垂直锥齿轮辐板断裂故障。The cone gear spoke fracture is briefly described for a typical turbofan.

他和德马库斯-考辛斯将会组成联盟中下一个强大的组合。He and DeMarcus Cousins could form the next deadly one-two punch in the NBA.

我们中的许多人都试图成为预知行业中下一个趋势的权威。Many of us try to be the pundit who predicts the next trend in our industry.