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狙击了敌人。Our soldiers sniped at enemy.

狙击技能从幽灵兵身上移除了么?Has the snipe ability been removed from the Ghost?

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然而,当你所有成群行动,狙击发生。However, when you're all clumped up, snipe happens.

他奉令狙击任何在营地附近走动的人。He was ordered to snipe at anyone moving about the camp.

鬼兵的幽能子弹是否频繁用来狙击施法单位呢?How often is the ghosts psi round used to snipe caster units?

你们有计划来改变一下狙击步枪不开镜射击的这种情况吗?Do you plan on changing the way "unscoped" sniper rifles work?

这名狙击手的枪法很准,没人能逃过他的狙击。The sniper shoots so exactly that no one can escape his shots.

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它也和花花公子x用狙击步枪消灭了望。Niko and Playboy X use sniper rifles to eliminate the lookouts.

房顶上有几个敌兵在狙击我们的战士。There's several enemy soldiers on the roof, sniping at our men.

如果我今晚被狙击,你明白原因所在,因为我要你去战斗。If I get sniped tonight you'll know why, because I told you to fight.

改变方产卵出口,以防止内部狙击的产卵门。Changed side spawn exits to prevent sniping from inside the spawn door.

日本人一来,到处都遭到伏兵的狙击。When the Japanese advanced, they were fired at by snipers from all sides.

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同时,将会有全新的狙击镜,并且狙击镜上有划恨和污垢。Also there are new scope sprites with realistic scratched and dirty lenses.

这将足够的鼓励玩家开镜使用狙击步枪。We find this to be incentive enough to always zoom while firing your sniper rifle.

贝希尔告诉记者说,武装分子用狙击步枪向总理的座车打了好几枪。Zahid Bashir told reporters that multiple sniper shots had been fired at the vehicle.

玩家只要支付额外的99美分,就可以使用MK-11狙击步枪射击棺材型目标。For an extra 99 cents, players can use a MK-11 sniper rifle to shoot coffin-shaped targets.

信号出价和狙击也是近年来随着拍卖机制发展而出现的新的竞买者策略。Signal bidding and "sniper" is also derived as new strategy for buyer in new auction mechanism.

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所使用的特殊的狙击弹和燃烧弹,顺带一提,这些子弹挺贵的。Special sniper bullets and explosive ordnance are used. Shells are quite expensive, by the way.

浅野正二在高处观察旅社,他想等窗帘拉开时在远处狙击。Asano Shoji at the height of observation Hotel, he wanted to wait curtains in the distance sniper.

在一个男权的社会形态下,被狙击的总是美丽的天使,翅膀的意义在于美丽与天真?In such a patriarchy society, the beautiful angels is always the taget. What is the meaning of them?