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在双胜吃雪糕休息一下。Have a break in Swensen.

一个雪糕品酒师怎么样?。How about an ice-Cream taster?

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爱呀,就是两个人一起吃雪糕。Love is when two share one ice cream.

这是吃冰激凌或者雪糕的好时间。It is time for an Ice or an Ice-Cream.

我喜欢奶酪,蛋糕。雪糕和面条。I like cheese, cake, ice cream and noodles.

我们今天有雪糕和朱古力蛋糕。We have ice-cream and chocolate cakes today.

请问阁下平均每星期花费多少于购买雪糕?。How much do you spend on ice-cream per month?

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拿一支雪糕把一杯刚冲的咖啡搅匀。Use a popsicle to mix up a cup of hot coffee.

多一个雪糕在特维尔大街的供应商。One more ice-cream vendor in Tverskaya Street.

在圆圈里你能数出多少个雪糕?How many ice lollies can you count in the circle?

吃等候菊花接载我们的雪糕。Eating an ice-cream waiting for Mum to pick us up.

我们提供雪糕和苹果批,你们要些吗?We have ice cream and apple pie, would you like some?

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然后往蛋筒里装满雪糕并插上一根棒子。Fill the cone with ice cream, and then a scoop on top.

山姆走到我面前,把他的雪糕给了我,还有两块儿糖。Sam came to me and gave me his ice-cream and two lollies.

简介了三色雪糕名称的由来。The original name of the 3-color ice cream was introduced.

适合士多、商店、饭店,存放雪糕、冰淇淋。Suitable for store, shop and restaurant to store ice-cream.

烘烤食品、饮料类、冰淇淋、雪糕、糖果和果冻。Baked food, beverage, ice cream, ice cream, candy and jelly.

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雪糕,他偏买热狗,这个人脾气乖张。It's perverse of him to buy hot dogs when we want ice-cream.

我们要雪糕,他偏买热狗,这个人脾气乖张。It's perverse of him to buy hot dogs when we want ice-cream.

你觉认为富豪雪糕最吸引之处是甚麽?。What do you think about the most attraction of Mister Softee?