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在大城市冬泳。Big city winter swimming.

哈尔滨市是一个大城市结束。The city of Harbin is a big city.

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我想每个大城市都有这样的问题。I suppose every big city has them.

在大城市可能爆发骚乱。Trouble may flare up in the big cities.

而湖塘也为大城市所兼并。The pond has been annexed by a great city.

在大城市生活会会不再安全吗?Will it not safe to live in big city any more?

一个大城市有着肥效极高的粪肥。A great city is the most mighty of dung-makers.

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有的球队,尤其是大城市球队,他们有这方面的优势。Some teams, the big-city teams, have that advantage.

而湖塘也为大城市所并。The pond has been addendumed by a abundant city-limits.

肯尼亚第二大城市几几乎成为了幽灵之城。Kenya's second-largest city, however, is hardly a ghost town.

水资源紧张是全球问题,大城市更为突出。Water shortages are a global problem, especially in big cites.

近年来,在大城市出现了很多丁克家庭。In recent years, many DINK families have come forth in big cities.

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世界上大多数大城市都交通堵塞为患。Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.

在大城市无论白天黑夜都能看到人们在工作,在娱乐。Day and night you can find people working and playing in a big city.

用于保持体形的室内“攀岩场馆”在大城市非常流行。Indoor “Rock Gyms” are popular in the metroplex for staying in shape.

这并非如此多的乐趣,在大城市如伦敦拜因水质欠佳,我会说!It ain't so much fun, bein' poor in a big city like London, I'll say!

既然这样为什么大多数毕业生依然坚持在大城市就业呢?So why are so many students still choosing to stay in the mega cities?

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本文主要研究美国南部大城市休斯敦20世纪的城市化历程。The thesis mainly studies the Houstons urbanization in the 20th century.

以下是对部份美国大城市文化生活的简单描述,从一个侧面反映了美国文化艺术的活力和丰富多采。Find out more about the vigor and variety of America’s artistic heritage.

现在大城市在节假日里不允许燃放鞭炮。Now it is not allowed to set off firecrackers in big cities on festivals.