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她长着翅膀穿着仙女服的扮相堪称完美。She looks perfect in her wings and fairy costume.

我喜欢戏中女主角的扮相。I liked the look of the female character in the play.

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我们见到了负责为马拉奇设计扮相和造型的姑娘们!We met the gals responsible for Malachy's look and style!

即使你穿的是牛仔裤,扮相也要干净整洁。Even if you're in jeans, you need to look neat and orderly.

是京剧扮相中最有代表的造型。This is the most representative appearance of Beijing Opera.

罗伯特·帕丁森觉得克里斯汀·斯图尔特的新娘扮相“看上去不可思议的美”。Robert Pattinson Thinks Kristen Stewart ‘Looks Amazing’ as a Bride.

雷诺斯身形瘦削、短发利落,一副很流行的中性扮相。With her lean frame and cropped hair, Lennox had a fashionably androgynous look.

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生、末、净、旦、丑,扮相逼真,现场观众的热烈掌声。Of Health, the end of the net, once, the ugly, makeup, costumes realistic, the audience's warm applause.

在参加一个派对之前,需要做好万全准备,特别要注意自己说话的声音和扮相。Before going to a party, prepare yourself as well as you material, giving special attention to your voice and appearance.

搭配露背裙效果非常好,且只需要五分钟就能搞定,即使淋雨后扮相依然看得过眼。It's great for a low-back dress, it takes under five minutes to complete, and it'll still look good if you get caught in the rain.

但是就是这个扮相让没有近视、牙齿又白又整齐的李欣汝吃尽苦头。But is this appearance for a part lets not have the nearsightedness , the tooth in vain neat Li Xin you to be fed up the suffering.

十一岁的程砚秋登台不久,就因扮相好、嗓子冲,被当时的大名士罗瘿公赏识,并极力追捧。Eleven of ChengYanQiu debut soon, because her throat blunt, be good, then big UN ROM gall male recognition, and is trying to chase.

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这些票友们通常模仿杰克逊在“颤栗者”一曲里的扮相,然而这位原唱近些年来却和那首歌里气宇轩昂的形象相去甚远。Such impersonators usually model themselves on his "Thriller" persona, but the singer himself looked nothing like that in recent years.

娜塔莉的粉红扮相自然不做作,给今年略显单调的奥斯卡红毯带来了一抹亮色。Thank you, Natalie, for bringing some much needed color to the Red Carpet! She looked pretty, fresh, and angelically pink in this number.

在巴拉圭首都亚松森举行的复活节圣周活动中,一名耶稣扮相的男演员正在表演重走耶稣赴难路。Paraguayan actor, portraying Jesus Christ, takes part in a re-enactment of the Via Crucis , or Way of the Cross, during Holy Week in Asuncion.

汪涵首次以作家身份与媒体和观众见面,无论从扮相还是谈吐都显得文气十足。As a writer, Wang Han met with the media and audience for the first time. He showed the literate characters from his talk as well as appearance.

我好像瘦了一点,扮相成熟了一点,学会了化妆和长时间大剂量地放空。唯一学不会的大概就是品尝这**的调调。我好像又更敏感了一些。When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.

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有一位妈妈带着她的三个孩子刚一到,其中的两个孩子们就迫不及待的在脸上画脸谱了,妈妈则选中了张飞的扮相。As soon as a mom and her three kids arrived, two of her kids hurried to have the "Monkey Face" painted on them while the mom selected the face of " Zhang Fei".

每套服装,或扮相,都在后台整齐地和模特照片安放在一起,这是制作一套时装秀的大混乱中少有的井井有条。Each outfit, or look, is neatly organized backstage along with the models' photographs — a modicum of order in the chaos that goes into producing a fashion show.

刘建功带领石敢当到达八路军医院见到了玲珑,玲珑换上了一身八路军军装,扮相英姿飒爽。I dare LiuJianGong lead stone to the eighth route army hospital see the exquisite, and exquisite changed a suit the eighth route army uniform, bright and brave to discuss.