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什么性质的工作?What kind of jobs?

该书性质我社不作规定,任何主题之任何书籍均可。Any book on any subject.

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因为这个性质。Because of this property.

金在性质上不同于铁。Gold is distinct from iron.

一个社交网络性质的游戏网站。A social networking fansite.

它具有泛性质。It has a universal property.

利用纯物质的性质。And using the pure substance.

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这有类似司法的性质。It has quasi-judicial nature.

分析了频繁函数集的性质。Analyzing the property of FFS.

LASIK手术是一种具有美容性质的手术。LASIK is a cosmetic procedure.

问世界媒体峰会的性质是什么?。What is the nature of the WMS?

是在结构性质上不同吗?,-对。in nature and composition? -Yes.

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这种性质可以是颜色。And that property could be color.

性质温和,不伤发,每天使用皆宜。Mild, not to hurt the daily ages.

婚约性质从本质上说应属一种契约。Affiance is a contract in essence.

其性质和加密到地雷。And encipher his nature into mine.

表面上,这是一个互助性质的小组。Ostensibly, it is a support group.

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它是具有侵略性和帝国主义性质的。It is aggressive and imperialistic.

山梨醇有一非常奇怪的性质。Sorbitol has one very odd property.

沉默可是真如性质之一?Is silence an attribute of the real?