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偷东西与他的身份不相称。It misbecomes him to steal.

这男孩身材小得同年龄不相称。The boy is small for his age.

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这条领带和我的外衣不相称。This tie doesn’t go with my jacket.

这双鞋子与这身衣服不相称。These shoes don't go with the dress.

她的支出与收入不相称。Her expenses do not correspond to her income.

皮大衣和游泳衣配在一起很不相称。A fur coat is incongruous with a bathing suit.

他的行为与他的地位不相称。His conduct did not comport with his position.

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你的行为和你的社会地位不相称。Your behaviour is not congruous with your rank.

这条红裙子跟你的黄衬衣不相称。The red skirt doesn't match your yellow T-shirt.

这种行为与绅士的身份简直不相称。This sort of conduct hardly becomes a gentleman.

工作中权利和责任不相称。Disproportional between authority and obligation.

干这种事与他的身分极不相称。It is utterly unbecoming of him to do such a thing.

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其长度和宽度很不相称。Its length is rather disproportioned to its breadth.

新建的汽车车库与房子不相称,有点不伦不类。The new garage made an awkward addition to the house.

你绝不能做出与你的地位不相称的事情。You must not do what is unbecoming for your situation.

他降低了他那不相称的假嗓子。He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice.

这件商品的价钱与它的价值很不相称。The price of the commodity is ill-matched with its value.

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他的发言同他一贯的态度极不相称。His remark simply does not comport with his known attitude.

这种行为和绅士不相称。This is not the kind of behavior pertaining to a gentleman.

他“举止有礼,深沉得与他的年龄很不相称”,她说。He was "well-mannered and quite deep for his age", she said.