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杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演。The juggler performed atop a unicycle.

这些独轮车也不能倒退。These unicycles also cannot go backwards.

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你现在需要一个真正的独轮车。You are going to need a real wheelbarrow.

一种最纯粹的形式独轮车,无曲柄。A purist form of unicycle, without cranks.

我们为你的牙齿准备独轮车!We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth!

这些独轮车作用类似一般自行车。These unicycles are used similarly to flatland bicycles.

女士看到在大街上补锅匠在他的独轮车上干活。A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street.

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这个犯人认真的在学骑独轮车在监狱的健身房。An inmate learns to ride a unicycle in the prison gym. Seriously.

用于长的距离,这些独轮车是专门用于长距离行驶。Used for long distances, these unicycles are specially made to cover distances.

而作为人类的运输工具,船、轿子和独轮车比马更普遍。As conveyance, boats, sedan chairs and wheelbarrows were more popular than horses.

这是一种电动交通工具,看起来像是摩托车和独轮车的结合品。It's an electric vehicle that looks like a cross between a motorcycle and a unicycle.

总之,看着骑在独轮车上的黑猩猩,谁又能了解他的真正处境?After all, who could look at a chimpanzee on a unicycle and comprehend its real situation?

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从这一点积蓄,我做独轮车,我将聘请到手推车顶推船,她说。From that savings, I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers, she says.

正如投掷飞刀、骑独轮车、并且挥舞鞭子一样,在大多数情况下,人靠实践可以变得更好。As with knife-throwing, unicycle-riding, and whip-handling, one gets better mainly by practice.

这些独轮车几乎总是有刹车,因为他们不能停止,进行传统的独轮车做。These unicycles almost always have brakes because they cannot stop the way traditional unicycles do.

至于那地方的风景,我却也保留住了,后来我每年都得到丰收,却不需要独轮车来载走。But I retained the landscape, and I have since annually carried off what it yielded without a wheelbarrow.

为了实现对于独轮车机器人非线性系统的姿态控制。The nonlinear characteristics in the unicycle robot dynamic system make the robot control much more difficult.

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我发现了一个独轮车是一个方便的地方我的具体组合,但任何足够大的容器就可以了。I found a wheelbarrow to be a convenient place to mix my concrete, but any sufficiently large container will do.

可能你觉得单骑一辆独轮车还不够好笑,那多出一根击球棍和一个球后,你够拉风的了。As if just riding a unicycle didn’t look funny enough, add mallets and balls and you’ve got a truly wacky spectacle.

目前世界上已有220多个国家和地区加入国际独轮车联合会。Currently in the world have more than 220 countries and regions to join the International Federation of wheelbarrow.