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有两家公司执行长的个人小传出类拔萃。Two CEO biogs stand out from the crowd.

他闪耀的光是多么地出类拔萃!How peerless is the Light that in Him shines!

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那就是柏拉图所谓的激情,出类拔萃的政治激情。This is for Plato, the political passion par excellence.

意思是说,如果你想要出类拔萃,你首先要勇于站出来。If you want to be out-standing, you must stand out first !

我祝你来日事业成功,出类拔萃,成功当之无愧。I wish you every success in the future, You are worthysuccess.

艾琳多才多艺,是一位出类拔萃的女演员。Aileen stands out for her incredible versatility as an actress.

康德在16岁的时候就已经在Konigsberg大学出类拔萃了。Kant excelled at the University of Konigsberg at the age of 16.

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让我们看看新泽西出类拔萃的大学城。Let us have a look at New Jersey's pre-eminent University Town.

与时并进、出类拔萃是我们一直孜孜以求的目标。We keep on driving hard to be forward thinking and outstanding.

饶教授在艺术领域亦取得出类拔萃的成就。Professor Jao is also highly accomplished in the realm of the arts.

人如酒―有些会转变成醋,但出类拔萃者会随着年岁的增长而日渐香醇。Men are like wine―some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

常读大诗人的作品,朝朝夕夕走在出类拔萃的影子里。Reading great poets, I walked day and night in the shadow of excellence.

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出类拔萃的动物摄影对经验、知识与耐心的要求缺一不可。Excellent animal photography requires experience, knowledge and patience.

在这方面,他是出类拔萃的,使其他的竞争者。In this field he is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind.

慈尊根本上师,出类拔萃,犹胜一切诸佛!My compassionate Root Guru, most outstanding, even superior to all Buddhas!

每天你都有机会胜人一筹,干得出色,出类拔萃。Every day you have the chance to excel, to stand out, and to be exceptional.

要说质量管理体系技术,马尔科姆在这个组织内倒是一个出类拔萃的人物。Talking about technology on QMS, Malcom should be a lulu in the organization.

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你是个出类拔萃的稽核员,在我见到过的跟数字和钞票打交道的人当中,你是头等的。You're a topflight comptroller , the best numbers and money man I know anywhere.

因此,那真是一档出类拔萃的节目,而我真的非常非常自豪自己能够参与其中。So it's an extraordinary show, and I was really, really proud to be a part of it.

之所以选择真田先生出演这一角色,是因为他是一位出类拔萃的演员,他的演技足以诠释各种角色。I chose Sanada-san, because he is a talented actor and can play any type of roles.