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他们在铺设下水道。They are laying sewers.

谁将铺设地板油毡?。Who will lay the linoleum?

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他们正在铺设煤气管道。There are laying down gas pipes.

工人们正在重新铺设基加利市内的一条道路。Workers repaved a road in Kigali.

我已经铺设低一段时间。I have been laying low for a while.

为什么不铺设更多的地下铁路呢?Why not build more underground lines?

我们地区正在铺设热水管道。Our area is being piped for hot water.

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他们正铺设地下电力线。They were undergrounding power lines.

我们这个地区将要“铺设”煤气管。Our neighborhood will be piped for gas.

这条路的铺设材料是石头。Stone is the pavement to pave this road.

他们在大西洋海底铺设了一条电缆。They underlaid the Atlantic with a cable.

通向皇冠的道路,是由许多人铺设而成的。The road to success is laid by many people.

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地板砖的大小与铺设价格有关吗?。The size and laying floor tile prices on it?

工人们正在道路下面铺设管道。The workers are laying pipes under the road.

在什么角度应铺设钢线?At what angle should the steel cords be laid?

地板砖的大小与铺设价格有关吗?。The size and laying floor tile prices for it?

他们正在沿路重新铺设新的排水管道。They are re-laying new sewers along the road.

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我们都要尽自己的全力为灾区人民的未来铺设新的道路。We all can help pave a new road for the future.

最近,他们铺设了一条地下管道。Reccntly they have laid an underground pipeline.

施工者用自制的一个滚筒,将正在铺设的草坪压实。A worker is using a self-made roll to press the lawn.