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我们六场全胜的,对吧?Six in our favour, right?

他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。Three candidates are vying in this election.

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克罗利和剑桥市警方获得全胜。Game, set, match, Crowley and the Cambridge cops.

我们将与这些敌人作斗争,不获全胜,绝不收兵。We will engage these enemies with the goal of victory.

钱塘江畔是谁家,江上女儿全胜花。Who is the Qian Tang River, the river a daughter flowers.

我们努力了一个赛季,以全胜战绩结束了常规赛。We worked our tails off and finished the season undefeated.

这样一来军队不会疲惫,士气受挫,而能取得全胜。Thus his troops are not worn out and his victories are complete.

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第二计划是,如果政权支持的一方未获全胜。Plan B is if the regime-backed party does not win an outright victory.

彭帅今年对战佩特洛娃两战全胜,但是每场比赛都打到了第三盘。Peng is 2-0 against Petrova this year, but both matches went to three sets.

与这样的敌人作战,我们不获全胜誓不罢休。Against this enemy, we will accept no outcome but complete and final victory.

是该为湖人队的全胜游行向警察买单还是告知大家去别处庆祝为好?Pay to police the Lakers victory parade, or tell the team to celebrate somewhere else?

温格的球队近五次在联赛和杯赛中与中部球队交手取得全胜。Arsene Wenger's side have won their last five league and cup meetings with the Midlands men.

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夏洛特在主场保持3战全胜,但是他们不能让魔术轻松过他们这一关,至少在上赛季就没有。Charlotte is 3-0 at home, but it couldn't get past the Magic there or on the road last season.

智利人要么全输,因为人心的涣散,要么全胜,士气高涨。The Chileans will either lose because they’re too distracted or win because they’re so motivated.

由于印度的坚强决心和成功,本区域在与脊髓灰质炎的抗争中正大获全胜。This region is winning the battle against polio, thanks to India’s hardnosed determination and success.

不管是在公牛还是湖人,当杰克逊执教的球队在系列赛中拿下第一场球时,其系列赛战绩是47战全胜,可谓"首战胜则系列赛胜"。Phil Jackson's teams in Los Angeles and Chicago are 47-0 in playoff series after winning the first game.

这台电脑的比赛对手是欧洲围棋冠军樊麾,根据“自然杂志”上的报告,这场比赛中电脑5盘全胜。It took on Fan Hui, European Go champion , beating him 5-0, according to a report of the contest in Nature.

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“切尔西现在占据了主动权”,在切尔西5场对阵另外三支豪门球队获得全胜情况下,弗格森这样承认道。Chelsea are now “in the driving seat”, Ferguson conceded, with five games left for each of the top three sides.

利物浦传奇球星卡塞自信利物浦将会拿到英超第四,但是强调关键在于他们要主场取得全胜战绩。Kop hero Case is confident Liverpool will finish fourth but insists it's vital they win all of their home games.

2008年的南美次级锦标赛还被纳入了世界杯预选赛的一部分,结果巴西队四战全胜夺冠。In 2008 the second tier tournament also served as World Cup qualifiers, with Brazil winning all four of their games.