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欢迎来到王府饭店!Welcome to Xiyuan Hotel.

吃琏王府的东西?Eat the Lian Wang Fu's thing?

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我们今天还参观了克拉伦斯王府。and we visited Clarence House today.

御王府占了整整一个街区。The Yu Wang Fu Palace occupied a whole city block.

掌管王府库的是亚叠的儿子押斯马威。Azmaveth son of Adiel was in charge of the royal storehouses.

这些宝贝收藏在“神秘的琮王府”。Currently, these pieces are kept by the mystery Zong Wang Fu.

这些宝贝收藏在“神秘的琮王府”。Currently, these pieces are kept in the mystery Zong Wang Fu.

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著名的郡王府体育中心也就在马路对面。The big Jun Wang Fu sport center is just opposite the street.

王府办公室亦公布了婚礼大典之后,英国皇家空军进行的飞行表演的具体时间。It also gave details of the planned flypasts after the wedding.

二十世纪三十年代,恭亲王府被辅仁大学买下办学。In the 1930s, the palace was bought by Furen Catholic University.

一般的王府和官员就采用红色、青色还有蓝色。For residences of princes and court officials, red or blue were used.

所以,我们刚刚一直在看这些和查尔斯王子的克拉伦斯王府。So we were just been looking at that today and Prince Charles' Clarence House.

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我订了票去参观克拉伦斯王府,查尔斯王子在那里做有机园艺工作。I booked tickets to see Clarence House where Prince Charles does organic gardening.

这次虎豹郡王府能够选择与贝尔高林合作,让我们感到十分的荣幸。It's our great honor that Hubao Royal Palace choose Belt Collins as his cooperater.

常宁抬头一看,正是裕亲王府的轿子。Often rather raising pate and looking is accurate the Jiao son of Yu prince mansion.

郡王府里有一个年轻的刻玉工人叫崔宁,技艺超群。In the mansion of the governor, there was a youth Cui Ning, an excellent jade carver.

这就是恭亲王府,就像嵌在现代混凝土建筑里的一颗宝石。Here was the palace, embedded in its modern surroundings like a jewel set in concrete.

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英王府内有三河之战的实物和相关资料可供大家观看。The palace has battle of Sanhe real and related information is available for all to see.

9月20日,淮北矿业2010年QC小组成果发布会在相王府宾馆举行。September 20, Huaibei Mining Group in 2010 results conference QC phase palace in the Hotel.

尤其是像王府里任何人给你东西吃时,绝对不要吃!Particularly be like when Wang Fu Li anybody eats for your thing ambition never want to dine!