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不要吐苦水了,做点事吧!Stop beefing and do some work!

把自己的苦水向她全部倒了出来,她也急得没有办法。I poured out my own bitterness to her.

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你心想,终于可以大吐苦水了!You think, at last, someone to talk to!

不要倒出一大堆抱怨和苦水。Do not go into a long list of complaints and sores.

“这里就像一个监狱,与集中营没什么两样,”她继续掏苦水。"It's like a jail, like a concentration camp, " she continued.

过了几天,神又使苦水变成甜水。Several days later God had given them sweet water instead of bitter.

所以神的民归到这里,喝尽了满杯的苦水。Therefore their people turn to them and drink up waters in abundance.

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刘文向表弟大吐苦水,让表弟帮忙给夏志杰点儿颜色。Liu major grievances to the cousin, cousin to Jia Zhijie help pleasant colors.

成功者常常是先喝苦水,再喝甜水。The person that succeed often drinks bitter water first, drink fresh water again.

在对讨厌的水星逆行大叹苦水之前,你可能需要重新考虑你的感受。Not again! I don't like Mercury retrograde!" you may want to reconsider your feelings.

居民的苦水吐了两年,去年10月,左侧居民区也被围了。Spit grievances of residents for two years, last October, was left around the neighborhood.

在那苦水之滨,养育了黄玉米与白玉米。Split place, bitter water place, is the name, the yellow corn, white corn, came from there.

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祭司要写这咒诅的话,将所写的字抹在苦水里The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water.

若有人找你吐苦水、抱怨,也只能得到些表面上的安慰话。If people find you, complain complain, they can only get some words of comfort on the surface.

只不过不同的人喝甜水和喝苦水的顺序不同。The person that just differs drinks fresh water and the order that drink bitter water to differ.

后来情况急转直下,少年的Shoko饮到了生活的苦水。But then come the bad times, and teenage Shoko have completely drink the bitterness of this life.

因为一个装满甜水的杯子绝对不可能溅出一滴苦水,不管它受到如何突然的摇晃。For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted.

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如今以色列人在玛拉所要学的功课很清楚,那让埃及水变成血的手,也能让苦水变甜。The lesson of Marah was clear—the same hand that turned water into blood could turn bitter water into sweet.

他们的关系很快曝光,但罗斯满腹苦水、唠叨个没完,结果连珍尼丝都无法忍受他,两人闪电分手。Their relationship starts out great, but soon Janice can't stand Ross's constant whining and she breaks it off.

采用幼叶压片法对‘重瓣玫瑰’和‘苦水玫瑰’两个玫瑰品种进行了染色体核型分析。Chromosome karyotypes of Rosa rugosa Plena and Rosa rugosa Kushui were studied by the stem-tips squashed method.