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啊,我知道一切规劝警诫都是徒劳的。Alas, I know all warning is vain.

本期节目题目是“警诫。”This episode is called "Giving Warnings and Cautions."

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对每种技巧,要注意警诫性的陈述。Pay close attention to the cautionary statements for each trick.

这时,彼得记起主的警诫,痛哭流泪。Then Peter remembered the Lord's warning, and bitter tears filled his eyes.

先知玛拉基曾警诫当时以色列民献重礼给省长,却非献给神的谬行。US. The prophet Malachi warned his people who gave better gifts to officials than to God.

其他计划包括建议扩大警司警诫计划的适用范围至轻微的鸦片罪行。Other plans include the proposed extension of the Superintendent's Discretion Scheme to cover minor opiate offences.

但是生育也是一项不可逆转但又改变一生命运的决定,为什么医生们却少有警诫呢?But having a child is an irreversible, life-altering decision and you don't find doctors warning women away from that.

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中国互联网分析师和产业观察家表示欢迎,认为此举一个积极的迹象,但对令人兴奋的乐观警诫。China Internet analysts and industry watchers welcomed the move as a positive sign but cautioned against heady optimism.

据称由于一突然增加猪流感死亡个案,南韩卫生官员在十一月三日室,引领国家进入流行病最高警诫级别。South Korean health officials put the country on the highest pandemic alert level on November 3, allegedly because of a sudden increase in deaths from the swine flu.

监狱的警卫都不喜欢来这里,也警诫新人不要到这儿来,因为如果被囚犯困在这个地方,你可没有后退之路,连搏斗的空间都不够。There's no room to manoeuvre, and one of the first things they teach them when they come to work in a place like this is to never let the cons get you in a place where you can't back up.