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作为一名营业员,我遇见过各种各样的人。As a shop-assistant, I met all kinds of people.

到商店去,找一个漂亮的营业员,跟她聊几句。Go into a store and chat to a good-looking clerk

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在一家商店,营业员几乎嘲笑了她。At one shop, the assistant almost laughed at her.

营业员请那位顾客试穿一下这件大衣。Assitant, please let the customer to try on this coat.

营业员从衣料卷上量出够做一件连衣裙的料。The assistant measured off a dress-length from the roll.

能够用英语在商店内和营业员进行交流。Communicate with the shop assistant in English at a store.

柜台后面站着一个新来的营业员。There was a new shop assistant standing behind the counter.

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营业员给我讲了应该怎麽填保价单。The associate told me how I should fill out the insurance form.

搭班营业员埋怨他,因他离开商店后。Take the class salesperson blame him, because he left the store.

那个营业员打扮像一个高级管理人员般上班。The sales agent dresses like a senior management when he goes to work.

担任导购员职务,担任营业员职务,担任理货员职务。Acted as a shopping guide, acted as a salesperson, acted as a tally clerk.

顾客向经理控告一个营业员的失礼。The customer complained to the manager of the discourtesy of an assistant.

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而此时,曹力章在城里正和国营商店的营业员徐晓园约会。Meanwhile, Cao Lizhang with state-run shops in the citys xiao-yuan xu date.

根据店柜销售情况配货,营业员管理培训。According to sales picking cabinet shop, business management training staff.

你务必要保证其中包括朋友、家人、营业员、甚至其他陌生人。Make sure that you include friends, family, shop assistants, and even strangers.

商店营业员说如果我一下买三件,他们可以给我打很大的折扣。The shop assistant said they could give me a big discount if I bought three at once.

他到了家,按照商店女营业员所说的那样把壁虎放了出来。He got home and did just as the woman at the store told him to do, and let the gecko go.

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餐厅女营业员头上戴着为大多数法国雇主所禁止的伊斯兰面纱。Wearing the hijab or Islamic veil that most French employers prohibit is permitted here.

话机世界又有很多人反应东西质量不好,营业员态度差。World Phone has a lot of things people are poor response, poor attitude of the salesperson.

“顾客第一”的概念应牢牢地树立在每个营业员的心中。The concept of "customers first" should be firmly rooted in the mind of every shop assistant.