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空虚的重复演奏,不过禁欲主义的男性实在太迷人了!An empty de capo. Stoic men are so charming!

我应该知道和尚奉行禁欲主义,还好他没有生气。I should have known that monks practice asceticism.

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早期的美国移民是卡尔文式禁欲主义的信民。The early settlers believed in Calvinist restraint.

人们及各种族总是在禁欲主义和放荡形骸之间徘徊。Between asceticism and indulgence men and races swing.

的性质,这禁欲主义是取决于它的动机。The character of this asceticism is determined by its motive.

可以说是某种禁欲主义,克制肉体。This is basically some form of asceticism, the control of the body.

我知道禁欲主义的快乐,以及它所赋予的力量感。I know the pleasures of asceticism, and the sense of power it gives.

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要给基督教禁欲主义涂上一层社会主义的色彩,是再容易不过了。Nothing is easier than to give Christian asceticism a Socialist tinge.

赞成避孕套与赞成禁欲主义的争论便是很好的例子。The pro-condom versus pro-abstinence argument is a good example of that.

关于独身,保罗的教导与禁欲主义的教导有什麽分别?。How does Paul's teaching differ from that of the ascetics about celibacy?

禁欲主义这个词,来自希腊语中的“锻炼“一词You know the word asceticism just comes from the Greek word for "exercise."

我应该知道和尚奉行禁欲主义,还好他没有生气。I should have known that monks practice asceticism . But he wasn't offended.

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这种文献倡导普遍的禁欲主义和粗陋的平均主义。It inculcated universal asceticism and social levelling in its crudest form.

但是“禁欲主义”小组只有三分之一的人摔倒,尽管他们身体处于更大的危险中。But only about a third of the stoics fell, despite their higher physical risk.

任何讨论前基督教禁欲主义是范围以外的这篇文章。Any discussion of pre-Christian asceticism is outside the scope of this article.

不象温斯顿,她深深了解党在性方面的禁欲主义的内在含义。Unlike Winston, she had grasped the inner meaning of the Party's sexual puritanism.

禁欲主义对中国近、现代性观念影响极为深广。Asceticism affected the sexual idea deeply and extensively in modern times in China.

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修道院制度和禁欲主义的发展是早期基督教会的重要运动。Monasticism and Asceticism develop as important movements in the early Christian church.

禁欲主义的圣徒和超然独处的贤哲在这方面算不上完整的人。The ascetic saint and the detached sage fail in this respect to be complete human beings.

在第三世纪,这种禁欲主义变成,一种非常成熟的思想和神学。This all becomes a highly elaborated ideology and theology starting in the third century.