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栓皮栎体细胞胚胎发生的细胞组织学观察。Histological Observation of Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Embryos of Quercus variabilis BI.

对陕西境内10个栓皮栎群体栓皮性状变异情况进行了试验分析。The variations of cork characters from 10 populations of Quercus variabilis in Shaanxi province are analyzed.

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对河南省栓皮栎林主要树种的生态位宽度与重叠进行分析。This paper analyzed the niche breadth and overlap of the main population of Quercus variabilis forest in Henan Province.

确定栓皮栎林植物功能群乔木层、灌木层、草本层各层次所需要测的主要种。And determine the dominant species that all the levels of Quercus variabilis forest plant functional groups need to measure.

栓皮栎优树选择应采用小样地法,各地区选择标准不同。The plus trees selection of Q. variabilis should use the small sample plot method and the standard is different in each region.

软木砖采用栓皮栎树上锯下来的各种形状和大小的软木颗粒、混合低挥发粘合剂制成。Cork granules, in various sizes and shapes, are shredded from the cork oak trees and then mixed with a low-VOC and inert binder.

对宝天曼地区不同恢复阶段栓皮栎林的高等植物物种多样性特征进行了初步分析。Changes in plant species diversity in a restoration sequence of Quercus variabilis forest stands in Bao Tianman mountain were studied.

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栓皮栎广泛分布于华北、西北、华中、华南、西南等20多个省区,秦岭是其分布中心之一。Quercus variabilis is widely distributed in more than 20 provinces and regions in North, Northwest, Central, South, Southwest of China.

本文并从营养元素生物循环方面,分析了混交林生态系统油松和栓皮栎营养元素利用特点及营造油松栓皮栎混交林的适宜性。The nutrient utilization charactor of pine and oak and the suitability of the mixed stand at the site are discussed based on nutrient cycling.

结果表明,栓皮栎种子的大小、质量、发芽率及苗期的生长,在种源间均存在显著差异。The results showed that there were significant differences in size of seed, seed weight, germination rate and seedling growth among provenances.

苗期生长的显著差异表明,栓皮栎种源间及种源内优良类型选育具有很大潜力。According to the significant variations between and within provenances during seedling, it is suggested that there was a great potential for growth improvement.

系统地研究了栓皮栎体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生所涉及的各种影响因素和体胚发生发育过程中的组织学和细胞学特征。We studied on the effects of factors and the histological and cytological characteristics that related to the somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of Q. variabilis.

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对河南内乡宝天曼自然保护区45年生天然次生栓皮栎林的生物量和净生产力的研究表明,栓皮栎林生物量为167。Determinations of a 45 years old natural secondary Quercus variabilis forest in Baotianman Natural Reserve in Neixiang County, He nan Province show that its biomass was 167.

开展栓皮栎体胚发生再生植株研究,对栓皮栎优良无性系快繁、遗传改良和基因资源保存具有重要意义。It is very important to quickly propagation excellent clones, genetic improvement and gene resource preservation through somatic embryogenesis plant regeneration for this species.

开展体胚发生及再生植株的研究,对栓皮栎优树快繁、遗传改良和种质资源保存具有重要意义。It is very important to quickly propagation of excellent trees, genetic improvement and gene resource preservation through somatic embryogenesis plant regeneration for this species.

油松、栓皮栎月平均树干液流速率与土壤月平均容积含水量和土壤月平均水势呈明显线性相关关系。Both the sap flow velocity of Pinus tabulaeformis and Quercus variabilis had very close linear relationships with the soil moisture and soil water potential on a monthly average basis.

栓皮栎中心分布区域种源的种子相对较大,发芽率较高,来自这些区域的种源苗期生长亦较旺盛。The provenances collected from centre distributions, compared with those from other areas, possessed larger seed size, higher germination rate as well as faster growth during seedling.

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论证了栓皮栎人工林具有较强的耐旱性和稳定性,所以,栓皮栎是值得推广的用材、薪炭和水土保持树种。It proved that the Oriental Oak Plantations were drought tolerant and stable. Thereore, Oriental Oak is recommended as a good tree species for timber, fuel, and water and soil conservation.

在2005年进行样地调查获得原始数据的基础上,对妙峰山地区栓皮栎林的物种丰富度、物种多样性指数和群落均匀度,以及植物区系成分和群落结构特征进行了初步研究。Based on date from plots collected in 2005, the flora, structure, species richness index, species diversity index and community evenness of Cork oak Forest in Mount Miaofeng, Beijing were studied.

采用重复熏蒸-培养法研究了苏南丘陵地区具有代表性的栓皮栎次生林和火炬松人工林土壤有效碳的变化特征。By using sequential fumigation-incubation method, the soil labile carbon in a secondary Quercus variabilis forest and a Pinus taeda plantation in hilly area of South Jiangsu, China was investigated.