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木兰,亦称辛夷,别称木力芽。Mulan, as well Xinyi, known as bud wood edge.

辛夷,中草药名,即玉兰科望春花,亦称辛夷花。Xinyi , a herb name, is a kind of spring flower, also called Xinyi flower.

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目的研究中药辛夷二氯甲烷提取物的药理作用。Object To study the pharmacological effects of CH 2Cl 2 extract of Flos Magnoliae.

目的建立辛夷药材中辛夷脂素的含量测定方法。Objective To establish a method for determination of fargesin in Magnolia flower buds.

对照美丽的辛夷生长和开花是如何与我们生活关联的。Comparisons of the growing and blossoming of beautiful Magnolia flowers and how this relates to our life.

目的对辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体药理作用进行初步研究。Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome.

结论辛夷注射液窦腔内灌注对慢性上颌窦炎有很好的治疗作用。Conclusion MNI holds significant therapeutic effects on chronic sinusitis when used as local irrigating solution.

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采用TLC法鉴别辛夷、苍耳子、金银花,采用HPLC法测定辛夷中木兰脂素的含量。Flos Magnoliae, Fructus Xanthii and Flos Lonicerae Japonicae were identified by TLC, and the content of Magnolin was determined by HPLC.

于是,他用辛夷做人的躯干,用蝉蜕的头和四肢做人的脑袋和四肢,最后,再用白芨把这几样东西粘在一块。He made the body of the man with the lily magnolia and his head and limbs with the cicada slough. Then he stuck them together with bletilla.

结论辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体经灌胃及鼻腔给药无明显毒性反应。Conclusion The Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome may have little toxicity by intragastric administration and nose dropping.

以产量为中心,对7个辛夷品种15个性状的遗传参数作了测定,并分析了产量选择指标,建立了产量选择指数。Focused on the yield, this paper analyzes the genetic parameters of 15 characters and selective index of yield for 7 varieties of Flos Magnolia.

我们将通过我们小组的歌唱、写作再现当我们与辛夷花理联结时收到的感受和体验。We will do this through our group singing and writing about the feelings and experiences we receive when connecting to the essence of the Magnolia.

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本发明涉及辛夷不同提取部位,其提取工艺、制剂制备工艺和用途。The invention relates to different extraction parts of biond magnolia flower, extraction technique, preparation technique of preparation and application thereof.

辛夷的应用前景广阔,一个统一的品质控制及评价标准将会更有利于体现其潜在的应用价值。There is a broad prospect in magnolia's application, and a uniform method on quality control and evaluation criteria will be more conducive to reflect its potential application.