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他是疯狂的。He's crazy.

真是疯狂的一天!What an insane day!

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有点疯狂,不过没问题。Hectic, but alright.

但他们会疯狂地牵手么?But hold hands madly?

多么疯狂的幻想!What a crazy fantasy.

疯狂的贝蒂是一个女巫。Batty Betty is a witch.

这些都是疯狂的谈话。That is all crazy talk.

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他疯狂地嫉妒子爵He was insanely jealous.

我疯狂地爱着你。I'm madly love with you.

男人们都为你疯狂。Men are crazy about you.

这或许听起来同样疯狂。This may also sound crazy.

我们都有点疯狂。We're all a little insane.

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那里一如既往的疯狂。It was a madhouse as usual.

让苏轼疯狂开始了!Let the Sushi Frenzy begin!

孤单时我从不曾感受疯狂。I was never crazy on my own.

玛格利特我不认为这是疯狂的。Margaret I deny it's madness.

最后一晚是一个疯狂的夜晚!Last nigth was a crazy night !

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那对我来说才是正真的疯狂。That seems really crazy to me.

杠杆率高到了疯狂的地步。We are levering up like crazy.

你可以做一些疯狂的事。You can do the crazy projects.