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乌孙,最初活动于河西走廊。The Wusun first lived in the Gansu Corridor.

嘉峪关所在的地方,是河西走廊最狭窄的区域之一。Jiayuguan sits along one of the narrowest parts of the Hexi Corridor.

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永登县历史悠久,是通往河西走廊的门户。Yongdeng County, which has a long history, is the gateway of the Hexi Corridor.

两汉时期,佛教、道教等已出现在河西走廊上。During the Western and Eastern Han, Buddhism, Taoism has appeared on the corridor.

主要分布在新疆南部、柴达木盆地西部,河西走廊等地。Mainly in southern Xinjiang, the western Qaidam Basin, Hexi Corridor and other places.

河西走廊,是双方文化学术交流的重要纽带与历史见证。The corridor was also the important link and historical witness for both of the people.

火车经过河西走廊时,一眼望去尽是无穷无尽的戈壁沙漠尽收眼底。As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of the Gobi Desert await.

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1988年8~9月,在河西走廊的化音和张掖地区进行了一次预备性观测实验。In September, 1988, a trial observation of the HEIFE was carried out at Huayin and Zhangye.

因此,占领河西走廊也就成了两汉政府的主要对外政策。In this sense, the occupation of the Hexi Corridor was Han Dynasty's main policy to Xiongnu.

河西走廊区域经济的增长具有一定的物质和非物质条件。The regional development of Hexi area possesses certain material and nonmaterial conditions.

后世产生的小说、戏曲,也与河西走廊传入的西域文化不无关系。The novel, traditional opera were related to the culture that was imported from the other people.

河西走廊的防沙治沙在我国西北沙区具有一定的代表性。Desert control of Hexi corridor has representative significance in desert areas of northwest China.

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河西走廊被誉为甘肃的粮仓和全国的商品粮基地之一。Hexi corridor was named one of the commodity grain base in China and granary bam of Gansu province.

榆木山是位于河西走廊前陆盆地系中张掖盆地和酒东盆地之间的横向隆起山地。The Yumu mountain is a transverse highland between the Zhangye basin and Jiudong basin in the system.

从事艺术20多年来,先后游历了山西、陕西、甘肃及河西走廊至寞高窟。In Art 20 years, has traveled to Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and the Hexi Corridor to the high lonesome cave.

额济纳旗绿洲是典型的干旱荒漠天然绿洲,是河西走廊及内陆地区的一道绿色屏障。Ejin Banner, a typical natural oasis in the desert area, provide a natural green defence for Hexi Corridor.

临泽县历史悠久,地处河西走廊中部,是古丝绸之路要塞。Linze County has a long history, is located in the middle of Hexi Corridor, the Silk Road is an ancient fortress.

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第二部分介绍了河西走廊特色农业发展现状,存在的问题。The second part on the characteristics of the agricultural development of the Hexi Corridor, the existing problems.

黑河流域是河西走廊和内蒙古高原西部著名的粮仓和绿洲。The Heihe River is the famous grain-productive place and oasis in the Hexi corridor and the west of Mongolia altiplano.

河西走廊的张掖,千年的黄土地孕育了淳厚朴素的民俗文化。The yellow soil of thousands of years nurtured deep and unaffected folk culture in Zhangye, a city on the Hexi Corridor.