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他甚至可能接受军事法庭审讯。He may even be court-martialed.

一场审讯为双方而举行。A trial was held for both sider.

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1633年,伽利略受到宗教法庭审讯。In 1633 Galileo faced the Inquisition.

警方审讯了奥斯瓦德两天。Police questioned Oswald for two days.

布朗以叛国罪受到审讯及定罪。Brown was tried and convicted of treason.

他们未经审讯就立即被关进监牢里。They were clapped into prison without trial.

不加审讯就定他的罪是残忍的。It is cruel to condemn him without a hearing.

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审讯员麦克·戈德曼·吉拉德就在现场。Interrogator Michael Goldman Gilad, was there.

狗种族或审讯后得到大清洗了。The dogs get hosed down after a race or trial.

审判长宣布审讯暂时中止。The trial was recessed by the presiding judge.

在接受了四小时的审讯和一顿暴打后,他们还是释放了他。After four hours and a beating, he was released.

经过几小时的审讯以后,犯人开始吐露真情。After hours of grilling, the prisoner opened up.

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杰夫斯定于10月接受重婚罪的审讯。Jeffs is scheduled to be tried for bigamy in October.

58岁的穆雷在洛杉矶审讯室还未被正式宣判。Murray, 58, did not testify at the Los Angeles trial.

审讯室里有你怀疑最大的两个嫌疑犯。Your two prime suspects are in the interrogation room.

在审讯时她改变了先前的陈述。TRIAL】In the trial, she changed her previous statement.

他们对他进行了审讯,并判处他10年徒刑。They tried him and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

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他被逮捕了,并被传讯,接着又被释放出来,等候审讯。He was arrested, arraigned, then released pending trial.

他被两个警察带出了审讯室。He was ushered out of the charge office by two policemen.

审讯犯人时必须废止肉刑。Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals.