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来点洋白菜如何?How about some cabbage?

他种植了一行洋白菜。He planted a row of cabbages.

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他根本不喜欢洋白菜。He doesn't like cabbage at all.

洋白菜和土豆怎么样?How about cabbage and potatoes?

我喜欢用洋白菜做菜。I like to cook dishes with cabbage.

我想要一碗牛肉洋白菜面。I'd like a bowl of beef and cabbage noodles.

我们存了大量的洋白菜过冬。We have a large store of cabbages for the winter.

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水开时加入肉和洋白菜。When the water boils add the meat and the cabbage.

那儿的宽沿帽上一朵朵粉红色的玫瑰像洋白菜那么大。Here were hats with pink roses as large as cabbages.

我给他洋白菜、香蕉、苹果和其他食物。I give him cabbages, bananas, apples and other food.

有人喜欢吃小萝卜,有人则喜欢吃洋白菜。Some persons like to eat radishes, others prefer cabbages.

这样的话,我们要买一些猪肉,洋白菜和一袋土豆。In that case, let’s get some pork, some cabbage, and a bag of potatoes.

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本星期买胡萝卜和洋白菜最合算,因货源充足,价格低廉。Best buy of the week are carrot and cabbage, which are plentiful and cheap.

谢谢。现在找找莴苣看,有了,箱子里有一棵和洋白菜放在一起。Thank you. Now the lettuce. Here. There was a head in the case with the cabbage.

可以。这样的话,我们要买一些猪肉,洋白菜和一袋土豆。Sounds good. In that case, let's get some pork, some cabbage, and a bag of potatoes.

要是你把这纱橱洋白菜乐瑟扛进了汽车库,你将获患上一份均等关饷。If you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage.

如果你把这橱柜洋白菜乐瑟扛进了汽车库,你将获得一份平均工资。if you carry the cabinet of cabbage garbage to the garage, you'll get an average wage.

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喜欢奶酪的食客会在洋白菜卷中塞满了奶酪,别有风味。Cabbage rolls can also be stuffed with cheeses, and they are classically served in a sauce.

其它的还包括卷心菜,羽衣甘蓝,芽洋白菜,甘蓝类蔬菜和大头菜。Other members say collds , cabbage include cabbage, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and kohlrabi.

我的花园里刚刚长出一些小红色洋白菜,数量不多,小小的,叶子紧紧地裹着,蓝紫色的纹理看上去格外漂亮。My own little red cabbage fresh from the garden. I have just a few of them, small, taut-skinned and rather beautiful with their blue and purple veins.