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打一个正在哭的孩子,只能使他变本加厉,哭得更凶。To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the fire.

在最近的几年中,穆加贝的残暴愈加变本加厉。In recent years, Mugabe has grown even more ruthless.

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事实上今天的加州依然在变本加厉的上演着这种兴衰相替的循环。Indeed, California even today amplifies its boom-bust cycles.

那一年是1636,郁金香交易的投机性也变本加厉。That happened in the year 1636 when mania was reaching its peak.

但我们不仅没有重新评价我们的对外政策,反而变本加厉。But instead of re-evaluating our foreign policy, we have simply escalated it.

伯纳德还是会变本加厉的惩治他,因为伯纳德得再次确立自己的地位。Bernard would punish him all the more, because he had to rebuild his position.

孔变本加厉地实施着他的计划。他把一种致命的细菌空撒到田园诗般的温布省。Koong raised the stakes by unleashing a deadly germ into the air over pastoral Umboo.

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“卫队对人民的镇压越变本加厉,”魁刚略带疲倦地接话,这是再熟悉不过的状况了。"The Guardians have cracked down harder, " Qui-Gon said wearily. It was a familiar scenario.

这个错也将随着你产生了第二个或第三个思维而更变本加厉。That error is compounded many times over when you have a second or third thought about a thing.

针锋相对的反抗是我们的本能,但往往会让那些缺知少德者更加变本加厉。Tit-for-tat resistance is our instinct, but which will often make the ignoramus more intensified.

我们不但没有从错误中吸取教训,反而在变本加厉地重蹈覆辙。Not only have we failed to learn from our mistakes, but also we're repeating them on an ever-larger scale.

打击报复甚至可以包括变本加厉的性骚扰,受害人可能在生活中以及在网络上被跟踪。Retaliation can even involve further sexual harassment, and also stalking and cyberstalking of the victim.

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马科斯还变本加厉地亲自提升他诡计多端的堂弟统领军事化的国家警察部队。Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military-led national police force.

马科斯还变本加厉地亲身晋升他阴谋诡计的堂弟统领军事化的国度警察军队。Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military-led national police force.

美利坚,向老朋友垃圾食品问好吧。垃圾食品,你们的最佳顾客回来啦,而且饿得变本加厉!America, say hello to your old friend, junk food. Junk food, your best customer is back—and hungrier than ever!

有人同意我的看法么?我好几个月没玩了,作弊的情况是和原来一样糟还是比3个月前变本加厉了呢?Does anybody agree with me? I havnt played for months is it still as bad or worse than it was about 3 months ago?

欧洲最近已经收紧了列车排放标准,未来还会变本加厉。Emission regulations for railways have recently been tightened in Europe and will become even stricter in the future.

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在这种情况下最差的方式就是对她表示同情,那只会使她变本加厉地口吐不满。The worst thing to do in this situation is to commiserate with her because that will only encourage more bad-mouthing.

在人类变本加厉地对大自然进行毁灭性掠夺的时候,一场前所未有的生态危机正在形成。Intensified to the nature of human conduct destructive looting when an unprecedented ecological crisis is taking shape.

据专家称,由于许多的律师不愿为记者辩护,因此在许多国家,记者面临的威胁正在变本加厉。The threats facing journalists in many countries have been exacerbated by the reluctance of lawyers to defend them, experts say.