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稍事休息,并提出玩曲奇推土机!Take a break and come play Cookie Dozer!

先让我们在这里喝点水稍事休息和颂赞这草甸。But let's rest here and drink some water and admire the meadow.

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导演让全体演员在下一场开始之前稍事休息。The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.

返程途中,我们又在昆坰那位大叔家稍事停留。On the way back we stopped once more at the uncle's house in Kumjung.

他稍事站立,以向观众致意,掌声雷动。He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.

他会持续给自己加压一直到自己无法承受的最高点,之后稍事放松。He will keep pressure himself to the extent he cannot bear, and relax a little after that.

强迫劳动营里苏联工人正在稍事休息,1943年德国上西里西亚省。Soviet workers in forced labor during a break. 1943, the province of Upper Silesia, Germany.

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以免稍事活动就出汗,不要过早穿上厚棉衣上海上门按摩。Paused for activity so as to avoid sweating, do not prematurely wear thick cotton-padded clothes.

好的,我们为何不稍事休息,随后维罗妮卡将就追逐爱情做演说,不要说得太长,别超过5分钟。,love。,Don’t,stay,away,long,–OK, so why don't we take a break and afterwards Veronica will give a presentation on the pursuit of 5 minutes.

偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。We toke a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han, and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple.

一名服务生把我带到我的房间稍事休息,还送给我一朵紫色的花,并倒了杯红酒给我。A bellboy who took me to my room to rest for a few minutes gave me a purple flower and offered me a glass of red wine.

口干舌燥,又想稍事休息,他们走进了一家茶馆,坐在靠窗的一张小桌旁。Thirsty and eager to get a little rest, they went into a tea-house and seated themselves at a little table by the window.

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奥巴马参议员在维尔京群岛稍事休息之后,星期三前往北卡罗来纳州,恢复竞选活动。Senator Obama will resume his campaign with a visit to North Carolina on Wednesday after a short vacation in the Virgin Islands.

长期保持全效的生产力,快速进行有效恢复体力和精神是至关重要的,即使这意味着放下手头工作,稍事休息。A quick recovery is essential for maintaining a high level of overall productivity, even if it means a break from work-related tasks.

近来数周该股涨势很不错,但在能见度的确有限的情形下,也许是涨势该稍事停歇的时候了.The stock has had a heck of the run in recent weeks, so it may be time for a breather here given that visibility does remain limited.

如果你不能挤出15分钟的休息时间来离开办公桌和电脑屏幕,也要稍事休息,站起来,伸展一下筋骨。If you can't afford to take a 15 minute break away from your desk and computer screen, take a mini-break by standing up and stretching.

2004年春第一次去牛顿故居时顺道在那里稍事停留。夏天一定要再去。Had a brief visit there in spring 2004, the same day that we visited Woolsthorpe Manor the first time. Must go back again some time in summer.

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那头贪婪的老虎还不知道鹿群已经开了会,所以,稍事休息后,它又向鹿群发起了进攻。The head of the tiger still don't know greed herd has opened will, therefore, have a short rest, it and to the herd of deer launching an attack.

“我认为,我们应该暂时相信杜库,”洛里安答道,他站起身,“我提议大家先稍事休息,一个小时后继续开会。”"I think we trust Dooku for now, " Lorian answered. He stood. "I suggest you get some rest. The meeting is scheduled to take place in an hour. "

当他正稍事休整树立报纸和图书馆的搜集资料时,他知道了那场飓风和爱玛米莉去路易斯安那的旅途。He learned about the hurricane and Emma Mille on trips to Louisiana, when he would take breaks to comb newspaper archives and library collections.