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现在中国观众能做的只有翘首以待了。For now, though, Chinese filmgoers can only wait.

该基金的筹资时机不太好,投资者一直在翘首以待看看黑石最终筹得的资金规模.Blackstone began raising the fund, BCP VI, about two years ago.

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但要是你以为我们正翘首以待这个结果,那就是大错特错了。But it would be a big mistake to think we're holding our breath.

从大选那天开始,奥巴马时代就越来越清晰而不需要翘首以待。The Obama era, it is now clear, began on Election Day and will not wait.

就算上帝天天浇水,我还是会撑伞翘首以待艳阳天!Even though the God waters everyday, I will still look forward to the bright sun taking an umbrella !

仰融以戴罪之身重出江湖,能否再现辉煌,一如他当年编织令人目眩的“资本迷宫”,人们正翘首以待。Reappearing with sin, can Yang Rong restore his former glory of "capital labyrinth"? People are waiting.

斯努皮和斯基普抵达韦恩堡之前几个小时,托普一家就心情激动地在动物庇养站翘首以待。Hours before Snoopy and Skip were expected in Fort Wayne, the Topps were waiting excitedly at the humane shelter.

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面对生活中存在的一种慢性疾病--慢性疲劳综合症,我们翘首以待能够寻求一种新的解决方法。Struggling with a new set of circumstances is to be expected when dealt the hand of living with a chronic illness.

市场对散户投资者回归股市一直是翘首以待,因为这样会带来一波闲置资金入市。The long-hoped-for move of individual investors back into stocks was supposed to bring a wave of money off the sidelines.

毫无疑问,济南大学的学生们早已对梅赛德斯-奔驰“青春网球校园行”的到来翘首以待。No doubt the university students of Jinan were lying in waiting for the Mercedes-Benz "University Tennis Promotion" to hit town.

人们翘首以待的奥运吉祥物代表了中国最受欢迎的四种动物——鱼、熊猫、藏羚羊及燕子。The long-anticipated mascots feature four of China's most popular animals——the fish, the panda, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow.

一个令全球金融市场翘首以待的想法上周末出炉了,但马上就沉入了欧洲的决策泥沼中。An idea that tantalized global financial markets came out of the weekend and immediately sank into the tar pit of European decision making.

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飞机上一男子坐在舱位上翘首以待茶点服务,但是他注意到点心车似乎远远地在前方停滞了。A man is sitting on a plane waiting to get served for drinks but he notices that the refreshments cart seems to have stopped well in front of him.

如果你知道你的另一半有别的人在翘首以待,确实是很难让你经营这段感情或是对它抱有热情。If you know your partner has someone waiting in the wings, it’s hard to be motivated to work on your relationship, or to be enthusiastic about it.

作者所介绍的方法可以改善消费的流程、摆脱问题及降低成本。让我们翘首以待这天的尽快来临口巴。The method the writers are recommending could improve the process, get rid of problems and lower the cost of consumption. Let us hope it happens soon.

也许惠特尼•休斯顿也一样,当全球乐迷们翘首以待她将要在今年九月发行的七年来的首张专辑时,科斯特纳说,我们很高兴她回来了!It may be the same for Whitney Houston. As the world looks to the release of her first new album in seven years in September, Costner says we'll be glad she's back.

企业在今年的前七个月均在裁减员工,市场翘首以待的周五就业报告料显示,8月情况依然如此.Companies have cut payrolls in each of the first seven months this year and an intently awaited report on Friday is expected to show that they did so again in August.

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直播卫星从立顶上马到投入正式运营,一波三折,历尽磨难,期间烧友们日复一日、年复一年翘首以待,望眼欲穿。Live satellite from top to mount a horse made into formal operation, smooth, experienced the ordeal, burn the friends during the day after day, year after year, longs perked up.